
Babies: 5.7.14

[audrey elise wells]
Dec. 1, 6 lbs., 15 oz.
Parents | Hilary & Tim Wells of St. Louis
Grandparents | Patty & Bob Wells of Belleville, Ill.; Marina & Ron Samples of Leawood, Kan.

Babies_theadora-lanter[theadora wayne lanter]
March 10,7 lbs., 15 oz.
Parents | Steve and Emily Lanter
Grandparents | Todd and Joye Peterson of Ogden, Utah; Jeff and Elaine Ure of Park City, Utah; Jean Lanter Kirn and the late Wayne Lanter of Belleville, Ill.

Babies_Elizabeth-Russell[elizabeth marie russell]
June 9, 7 lbs., 11 oz.
Parents | Shane & Amy Russell of Kirkwood
Grandparents | Tom & Linda Russell of Dardenne Prairie, Mo.; Al & Marsha Rheinnecker of Kirkwood


Babies_william-cross[william michael cross]
Dec. 9, 8 lbs., 13 oz.
Parents | Jen & Andy Cross of St. Louis
Grandparents | Dr. William and the late Julie Cross of Tucson, Ariz.; the late William Michael & Lee Ross of Ladue; Jan & Bill Hetzler of Jackson, Tenn.

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