
Big Birthday: COCA

This is a big year for COCA. Not only has the community arts organization—already the fourth largest of its kind in the country—recently announced plans to double in size, but it’s celebrating a milestone birthday in 2017, as well. Thirty years of enriching the lives of St. Louisans deserves to be celebrated, and that’s the idea come April 28, when COCAcabana 2017 Jumpin’ Jubilee promises to blow the doors off. “This is a party 30 years in the making, and we’re going to raise a ruckus,” promises executive director Kelly Pollock, who had a hand in the fundraiser early on when she started at COCA 19 years ago. “COCAcabana had humble beginnings,” she says. “But it’s grown into this huge, upbeat, playful party.”

Not only do organizers expect around 600 guests, but they also have a fundraising goal of close to $850,000. COCAcabana is the nonprofit’s largest annual event, with all money raised going toward students, scholarships and arts education programs. “My husband, Michael, and I are so motivated by COCA’s commitment to diversity and equal access to the arts that when we were asked to co-chair COCAcabana, it was an easy ‘yes,’” says Shereen Fischer, one of eight COCAcabana co-chairs and co-chair of development for the COCA board. “The party is COCA’s major annual fundraiser, and it mixes creativity with the fundraising vital to its mission.”

Major gifts officer Virginia Howell adds, “Because this is a birthday bash, there must be cake.” And cake there will be—lots of it, thanks to a host of local pastry chefs currently being recruited to provide the tasty desserts. “I’m aiming for around 75!” Howell says.

While some details still are coming together, Pollock says the entertainment has been booked: the rock band FatPocket will perform, and so will COCA’s Hip-Hop Crew. Other student performances will take place throughout the evening. She also is keen to note the return of ‘Table One.’ This exclusive VIP option for 10 lucky people includes transportation to and from the event, special menu items and wines delivered by a dedicated waiter, gifts, floral arrangements, and even hair and makeup styling provided by Breeze Blow Dry Bar. COCA’s co-artistic directors of dance, Antonio and Kirven Douthit-Boyd, will join their table, too.

“People really consider this to be one of the most fun parties in St. Louis,” Pollock says. “And this year more than ever, Jumpin’ Jubilee is a wonderful, festive way to celebrate the arts in our community.” Guests are encouraged to wear party clothes in bright colors and don their dancing shoes. The other event chairs are Phyllis and Kevin Anderson, Alex and Ty Thornhill, and Lisa and Andrew Tuteur. Honorary chairs are Caryl and Alan Sunshine; Anheuser-Busch is event sponsor for the seventh year in a row.

Pictured: COCA students Miles Ashe and Sara Jones perform in the 2016 production of The Little Dancer.
Photo: Peter Wochniak

COCAcabana 2017 Jumpin’ Jubilee takes place April 28 at COCA. The event includes cocktails, a live show, silent and live auctions, dinner, dancing and more. Pictured on the cover: Andrew Tuteur, Lisa Tuteur, Michael Fischer, Caryl Sunshine, Ty Thornhill, Alex Thornhill, Phyllis Anderson, Alan Sunshine, Shereen Fischer, Kelly Pollock and Kevin Anderson. Styling for cover photo shoot courtesy of Breeze Blow Dry Bar. For more information, call Virginia Howell at 314.561.4870 or log onto

Cover Courtesy of COCA | Cover Photo by Amanda Lansche

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Big Birthday: COCA
This is a big year for COCA. Not only has the community arts organization—already the fourth largest of its kind in the country—recently announced plans to double in size, but it’s celebrating a milestone birthday in 2017, as well. Thirty years of enriching the lives of St. Louisans will be celebrated April 28 at COCAcabana 2017 Jumpin’ Jubilee.
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