
Bookshelf: Book and Wine Club

From law school graduation and the beginnings of high-powered careers to plenty of promotions and adventures with motherhood, the Book and Wine Club has been there through it all. It was founded in 2002 by lawyers Christina Moore and Cicely Lubben. “We had just finished law school at Saint Louis University and finally had some free time to read books we actually wanted to read,” Lubben says.

The club has since evolved into a diverse group of readers and over the years, many of the once-single women have become wives and mothers. “I always liked book club, but as I had children, it’s become more meaningful to me,” Lubben says. “When you have kids, you need to talk to other moms about kids and family. Now we talk about the book, but the second half of our meetings is usually spent talking about family and work-life balance.”

[about the book]BkShlf_BookTheif
Set in Germany during World War II, Markus Zusak’s The Book Thief tells the story of Liesel Meminger and her foster parents, Hans and Rosa Hubermann. With the help of Hans, Liesel becomes an avid reader and picks up a habit of stealing books, which she shares with friends and the young Jewish man hiding in their basement. With a whimsical flourish, the author explores the power of both simple kindnesses and the written word.

>> “One of the things most discussed about this book is the author’s choice of narration from Death’s point of view. In a lesser writer’s hands, it could have turned into a gimmick. Here, it added an interesting perspective of the events unfolding, as well as a poignant reflection on the nature of human existence.” —Emma Dolley

>> “What I liked most about the book was its perspective. We have all read many disturbing and incredible stories, both fictional and nonfictional, about World War II from the perspective of Jews, soldiers and politicians, but I had never read a book that told a slice of the story from the perspective of ordinary people who did not really support what was going on but were stuck living in Nazi Germany.”
—Amber Kempf

Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett

[up next]
What Alice Forgot by Liane Moriarty

By Stephanie Zeilenga
Photo by Bill Barrett
Pictured: Front: Emma Dolley, Christine Zych, Christina Moore, Cicely Lubben, Sara Ayers; Midd le: Jasman Lutz, Sandy Turner; Back: Nicole Pinaire, Becky Mollett, Mariquita Barbieri, Jennifer Hillman, Amber Kempf, Cardina Johnson, Billee McAuliffe, Molly Taylor

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