
Bookshelf: The Bad Girls Club

They call themselves The Bad Girls Club, “where half the group doesn’t read the book, and the other half doesn’t even show up!” That’s a perfect way to sum up the humor and lightheartedness of the women, who started meeting last year to discuss novels— and socialize, of course.

Forming the book club began in a very organic way after a girls trip to Telluride. “Our prayer group put all our responsibilities on hold to breathe in the mountain air and enjoy our friendship,” says member Theresa Vella. “We were sitting at the airport after a long weekend of hiking, skiing and sharing together, and started exchanging our favorite ‘reads.’”

That impromptu first meeting turned into a relaxed book club that meets at a different member’s home the third Thursday evening of every month. “We wanted a group where everyone was welcome,” Vella says. “There is no guilt if you don’t have time to read the book, or are too busy to even come!” Whoever is hosting is in charge of choosing the selection. The current book, sci-fi thriller The Martian, should inspire lively discussion after a few glasses of wine, says Vella.

BkShlf_-Martian[about the book]
The Martian is the first published novel of Andy Weir and will be adapted into a film next fall. It follows fictional astronaut Mark Watney as he becomes stranded on Mars and must improvise to survive. After a dust storm nearly kills him and forces his crew to evacuate in the belief that he is dead, Mark finds himself with no way to signal to Earth that he’s alive—and no way to survive. He refuses to give up, however, and drawing on his ingenuity, engineering skills and sheer will to live, he confronts one obstacle after another and tries to overcome impossible odds.

>> “Normally this isn’t something I would choose because of the title but it came highly recommended by a friend and was a great surprise. I truly enjoyed it. The main character, astronaut Mark Watney, was someone I rooted for: human, flawed and extraordinary. This was one of those rare stories that left you wanting more.”
—Katie Sullivan
>> The Martian is incredibly well-researched. For that reason, it can be highly technical. However, it’s impossible not to be charmed by Mark Watney’s hilarious sense of humor. I think the book has broad appeal beyond science fiction fans because of the everyman quality of Watney and the general sympathy for his survival story.”
—Barb Donnelly

The Servant by James Hunter

[up next]
Deep Down Dark by Hector Tobar

Pictured, seated: Matuschka Briggs, Margaret Wright, Peggy Lane, Maureen Naunheim, Christy Millsap. Standing: Lisa Bippen, Jackie Paletta, Kathy Tychsen, Kelly Bick, Joanne Noyes, Barb Donnelly, Theresa Vella, Cindy Drury. Not pictured: Terry O’Brien, Anne ChivetTa, Katie Sullivan, Vicki Mower, Maria Price, Linda Nash, Linda Bearman
Photo: Bill Barrett

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