
Bookshelf: Top Shelf Book Group

A good excuse to get together for a glass of wine was one reason Top Shelf Book Group was established in 1997—that and a love of reading, of course. Kathleen Gund, Jennifer Woodworth and Lisa Brenner, three of the original members, wanted to get other young moms in the U. City neighborhood together to talk about their favorite books and enjoy a night out.

“It has branched out from just being a neighborhood thing,” says member Clare Brady, who joined in 2003. “And it’s often books I would never pick up, so it’s a great way to really stretch your mind.” Since most members are also parents, the group has included several juvenile fiction books based on what their kids are reading, which has created lively discussions. “Kathleen keeps a file of what we want to read, and we choose as a group,” Brady explains. “We always pay attention to page count and the number of copies at the library.”

They meet the first Monday of most months and rotate among members’ houses. “Once a year, everyone hosts and leads the discussion,” Brady says. “We all have varying opinions, and we always come whether we liked the book or not because everyone has something to say!”

[about the book]
Liesel Meminger is a foster child living through the horrors of WWII with her adoptive family outside Munich. When she discovers books, her kind foster father teaches her to read. She begins ‘borrowing’ them to share with neighbors and with the Jewish refugee hiding in their basement.

>> “While the main storyline deals with Liesel’s relationship with her foster family during World War II and the threat of death everywhere, other strands present themes of loyalty, marriage and parental hopes. And a bit of a love story as well. Some pretty heady stuff, but it’s presented in a way that can be understood by a child and still interest an adult.” — Kathleen Gund
>> “The Book Thief is beautifully written. Despite all of the loss and sadness in the book, your heart is lifted by Liesel’s story”. —Lisa Brenner

Tell The Wolves I’m Home, by Carol Rifka Brunt

[up next]
Beautiful Ruins, by Jess Walter

Pictured, seated: Karen Palmer, Nancy Kramer, Katie Sullivan, Jennifer Woodworth. Standing: Kathleen Gund, Michelle Hof, Wendy Cromer, Clare Brady, Linda Honigfort, Lisa Brenner. Not pictured: Robin Leonard
Photo: Bill Barrett

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