
Can’t See the Forest for the Trees

Dear Homework,
My house sits on several heavily wooded acres in remote West County. I would like to upgrade the entry/arrival impression as well as the outdoor living component. In the photograph, the door on the lower level is the entry door, and it needs a lot of help. Further, I would like to eliminate the three vegetable beds and add a terrace, fireplace, hot tub and lots of boulders. I would also love to add more color, perhaps with pink Dogwood trees. How would you see pulling this all together?
—Can’t See the Forest for The Trees

HW-IMG_0836Dear Can’t See the Forest for the Trees,
While you have lots of issues, you also have lots of possibilities. As you can see from the new drawing, all of this can be pulled together to make a dramatic effect. Here are some of my ideas:

I would add color to the architecture. This could be done by reiterating the redwood stain on the back deck, on the deck rail, entry trellis and entry door trim. This gives a welcome accent to the predominantly gray feel of everything else.

Then I would use the same type of stone for the boulders, new retaining wall/fireplace, terraces and cladding of the existing concrete retaining wall. With so much going on, a single color of stone will calm things down a bit. Next, plant bold, simple ‘continuous thoughts’ of landscaping elements, which will help tie the various areas together, but won’t tire the eye with too many different elements or species.

I have done the drawing in mid-spring so you can see the full effect of the planting. To me, it looks like a delightful place to spend time. Hopefully this gives you a new perspective on your property.
Thanks for asking,

Homework is penned by Paul Doerner, Founding Partner of the Lawrence Group. If you would like your home critiqued, contact us at

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