
Caring Clinic: SSM Health Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital

We all know that SSM Health Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital is a haven of care for seriously ill or injured children. But what about outpatient well-care services—bruises and bumps, ear infections, check-ups and vaccinations? Where can families go when they don’t have insurance? The Danis Pediatric Center, on the campus of SSM Health Cardinal Glennon, has served children with quality primary care since 1956, without regard for a family’s ability to pay. Around 85 percent of the children the clinic treats receive Medicaid, and they hail from all over our region, including Illinois. “They come from far and wide,” says Dr. Matthew Broom, medical director of the 17-room clinic.

OBC-Glenon-Foundation-NOBOX-8.10Originally designed to serve 5,000 children a year, the center now sees 20,000 patients annually, even overflowing to a second facility last year in Midtown. And the demand for pediatric care isn’t decreasing any time soon. “We need more space!” Broom says, as he speaks excitedly about plans to build a new 20,000-square-foot, 36-room facility somewhere on the hospital grounds in the near future. Not only do the two existing clinics treat patients, but they also serve as teaching arenas. Nearly 200 students from Saint Louis University School of Medicine pass through each year, offering compassionate care while perfecting their skills. “A lot goes on in those small spaces,” Broom says, explaining that on any given day, the clinics burst at the seams with children and parents, doctors and nurses, students and administrative staff. “There’s juggling involved, a lot of maneuvering.”

The centers also house a variety of health-based community service programs: Happy Mothers, Healthy Families addresses postpartum depression; FACES (Foreign Adoption Clinic and Educational Services) supports adopted and refugee children; and Reach Out & Read provides take-home books and storytime for children in the waiting room. Other services address childhood obesity, general parenting and mental health issues. “We have so many excellent programs, but we need to effect greater change in the city,” Broom says. “Combining the two existing sites into one will allow the clinic to treat 120 children daily rather than the 80 or 90 it serves currently.”

“The need is great in our area and beyond,” agrees Sandy Koller, executive director of the SSM Health Cardinal Glennon Children’s Foundation, which raises funds for the hospital through events and programs. “Our mission to deliver exceptional health care services and reveal the healing presence of God is important to many families; they come from far and wide,” she says, adding that SSM Health Cardinal Glennon is the only free-standing Catholic children’s hospital in the nation.

To support all these good works, on Sept. 17, the St. Louis Polo Club and the doctors of Danis Pediatrics host the fourth annual Glennon Gallop at Kraftig Polo Club in Defiance. While last year’s event helped finance the renovation of the Midtown facility, funds raised this year will go toward bringing the new center into being. Koller says it promises to be a glamorous affair. “It’s a beautiful day,” she says. “Lovely surroundings … a big white tent … great wine.” The event includes lunch, a polo match, live and silent auctions, and a post-match party with live music. New this year will be field-side shopping from local retail booths and a pizza truck. Co-chairs are Tim and Jackie Danis and Steve and Ginny Orthwein.

“With the diversity of patients and the complexity of medical conditions, Danis is unlike anywhere else in St. Louis,” Broom says. “This new clinic will help us expand our reach even further.”

Danis Pediatric Center at SSM Health Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital provides all aspects of pediatric care. The Fourth Annual Glennon Gallop takes place Sept. 17 at Kräftig Polo Club. the sponsors include Fifth Third Bank, T. Danis Charitable Trust, St. Louis Polo Club, Kräftig and Fabick, A. Bommarito Wines, Edward Jones, 101 ESPN and 92.3 WIL. Pictured on the cover, standing: Shawn Hagan of Fifth Third Bank; Dr. Matthew Broom, Jackie and Tim Danis. Seated: Dr. Susan Heaney, Professor of Pediatrics, Molly and Alayna Sansone. For information and tickets, call 314.577.5605 or visit

Cover design by Jon Fogel
Photos courtesy of SSM Health Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital

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