
Celebrate Life: Birthright Counseling St. Louis

Every year, about 2,500 women knock on Birthright Counseling St. Louis’ door in need of help with unplanned pregnancies. And each time, they’re met with caring support for the journey ahead, says executive director Maureen Zink.

Zink says the agency takes a compassionate, nonpolitical approach to helping expectant mothers—one that doesn’t involve graphic pictures or high-pressure tactics. “We provide a warm, comfortable environment where women know they’ll be supported and cared for,” she explains. “Many have considered abortion because the cycle of life can be so dire with poverty, addiction and domestic violence. But we never look down on women or judge them; we want them to know there’s help available to them and their babies.”

Birthright has locations in Brentwood, midtown St. Louis, Bridgeton and Lemay, and its services are open to any woman facing an untimely or unexpected pregnancy. It offers counseling, financial help and alternatives to abortion, including connecting women with adoption services if they so choose. “We have professional counselors who are licensed clinical social workers, and we can help moms with rent, medical bills, tuition, anything they need to move ahead in their lives,” Zink says. “It’s about having healthy babies, but it’s also about helping women feel strong in their life decisions.” Each mother can continue receiving Birthright services for up to a year after her baby’s arrival, and Zink says many women have shared how crucial that ongoing help is.

The nonprofit agency is supported entirely by its fundraising activities and donations. So each year, its Friends of Birthright group throws a big party to raise funds and thank supporters. The 2017 ‘A Night for Life’ gala is set for Sept. 23 at The Ritz-Carlton in Clayton, and Zink says she’s hoping to see 500 to 600 guests come through the door. “It’s our biggest fundraiser of the year, black-tie optional,” she notes. “The event includes a wonderful dinner, dancing and live music by Trilogy. It’s always a beautiful evening—a real celebration of our donors, our moms and our babies.” Individual tickets are $175, and event sponsorships are available. This year’s gala co-chairs are Mary Ann Mueth and Joan Arbuszewski.

During the event, The Most Rev. Robert J. Hermann, St. Louis Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus, will receive Birthright’s 2017 Monsignor James R. Hartnett Award. “It’s given to a leader who has shown real commitment in supporting our organization,” Zink says. “He has done that through his work as a priest and bishop, letting women and the community know about the important services we provide.

Birthright’s ‘A Night for Life’ gala is a celebration of the agency’s donors and supporters. On the cover: This year’s Monsignor Hartnett award recipient is The Most Rev. Robert J. Hermann, pictured center with Birthright Counseling St. Louis president Lisa Capshaw Cushing (left) and Friends of Birthright president Colleen Kinnison. For information on the gala, call 636.530.7933 or visit

Cover design by Julie Streiler | Photos: Colin Miller of Strauss Peyton Photography

Pictured: ‘A Night for Life’ co-chair Mary Ann Mueth and gala chair Joan Arbuszewski

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Celebrate Life; Birthright Counseling St. Louis
Every year, about 2,500 women knock on Birthright COUNSELING St. Louis’ door in need of help with unplanned pregnancies. And each time, they’re met with caring support for the journey ahead, says executive director Maureen Zink.
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