
Enterprising Men: 6.14.17

Q: How did you get involved in your field?
Fun Fact: What is something people may not know about you?

jet linx aviation, richard ropp, base president
I was a high school freshman when I visited a rural airport one morning and was offered a free flight lesson if I cleaned a Cessna 152. Three hours later, I was airborne and permanently hooked on this business.
Fun Fact: My father worked for Trans World Airlines, so I would regularly jump on an open flight just to visit a new city or fly on a specific aircraft.
10897 Lambert International Blvd. | 314.862.3222 |

janet mcafee real estate, marc sinclair, abr, rene, srs, broker/sales associate
I selected real estate due to the many levels of involvement: multiple ownership, investment rentals, renovations, buying and selling transactions, and more. It was a logical step. I really enjoy it and am glad I can share my expertise with others.
Fun Fact: I am passionate about international travel and have visited more than 67 countries!
9889 Clayton Road | 314.805.5730 | 314.997.4800 |

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