
Get Your Holiday Glow

As the weather gets colder and the days get shorter, there’s one thing we’re all looking forward to: winter holidays! It’s a time to celebrate with friends and family, many of whom you may not see throughout the rest of the year. To ensure you can put your best face forward, November is the perfect time for skin care treatments. We reached out to Jackie Carr, R.N., ANP-BC, LE, owner of Pur-One Medispa in Des Peres, to learn about what procedures are popular during the pre-holiday period.

✦ winter woes ✦
Winter comes with its own skin care concerns. “Generally, the skin is constantly adjusting to its environment,” notes Carr. “Winter often brings about dryer skin for many. Being sure to hydrate with adequate amounts of water is helpful, and moisturizing more during this time may be required.” She recommends products that help to restore the skin’s lipids, which are natural fats that prevent damage, promote moisture retention and aid in healing. Moisturizers that restore lipids can also improve the appearance of wrinkles, firmness and fine lines. Skin care ingredients like ferulic acid and hyaluronic acid also can be useful to protect the skin from environmental factors and provide additional hydration.

✦ ‘tis the season ✦
Holiday parties will soon be on everyone’s minds. Early preparation is key to ensuring your skin glows all season long, according to Carr “Hydrafacial is a great way to gently exfoliate the outermost layer of skin and help increase the absorption of at-home products to get enhanced results—plus, it is generally well tolerated and requires no downtime,” she explains. “Microneedling and chemical peels can help improve texture and tone as well as reduce the appearance of sun damage, fine lines and wrinkles.” These treatments often require people to stay out of the sun, so fall is a great time to consider them.

If you’re looking to treat deeper lines, wrinkles or sagginess, Carr suggests considering injectables, such as Botox, Scultpra or dermal fillers. “Botox is impactful for treating crow’s feet and areas like the forehead and between the brows,” she notes. “It relaxes the muscles to produce a smoothing effect in the related areas. For volume loss, it is helpful to use dermal fillers to lift the cheeks or soften smile lines.” She adds that all of these projects require two to four weeks to settle and achieve best results.

✦ on the nice list ✦
Carr’s dos for getting a skin treatment before the holidays include:

✦ on the naughty list ✦
Carr’s don’ts for holiday treatments include:

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