
Heard in the Halls: 4.5.17

webster groves high school
The English department recently hosted its third annual All Write Festival, which brings writers in various forms—authors, journalists, poets, songwriters and more—to the school throughout the week to share their stories and talents with students. Pictured at top: Senior Esque Ewing performed his original stand-up comedy act to open for comedian Aparna Nancherla.


twin oaks christian school
Students made their mark in the St. Louis Symphony’s Express the Music competition, which combines writing with fine arts for grades six through 12. After listening to one of Beethoven’s symphonies, students wrote a poem, essay or short story inspired by the music. Sisters Amaris (seventh grade) and Aurora (eighth grade) Hofius were awarded Honorable Mention at the recent awards ceremony at Powell Hall, finishing in the top five out of 258 entries. Seventh-grader Gavin Grempler and eighth-grader Jordan Preis were named finalists.




edgar road school
Second-graders are finishing up a service project they began last fall to provide 100 pairs of shoes for children in Uganda. The students organized fundraisers throughout the year to collect denim, which will be shipped to shoemakers in the African country to make each pair, along with $10 per shoe. Students also collected Band-Aids and Neosporin. Pictured: Ava Carder



parkway west high school
Senior Emily Bauer brought home the title of Missouri State Champion at the Poetry Out Loud state finals in Jefferson City. The annual competition, which had an estimated 6,000 participants, encourages public speaking skills and self-confidence by having high school students recite poems of their choosing. Bauer won a cash prize and a trip to Washington, D.C., to attend the national finals at the end of the month. Pictured: Courtney Pena, Emily Bauer, Andria Benmuvhar





villa duchesne and oak hill school
Villa Duchesne students attended the St. Louis Young Women’s Leadership Conference, Breaking Glass Ceilings, at the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. Six of the students were also on the steering committee, and senior Sara Sowins designed the logo for the conference.

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