
Homework: 2.15.17

Dear Homework,

We are on the cusp of remodeling the interior of our Des Peres home, including the kitchen, baths and windows, and possibly adding a family room off the back. While construction crews are on site, we would like to update the look of the front of the house. My wife says the front porch overhang looks like someone with bangs down to their eyebrows. Hoping you can help us ‘get a trim’ to reflect current styles.


—Should I Cut My Bangs?

Dear Should I Cut My Bangs?,

I always think it works best when the area around the front door of a house is its most interesting and prominent feature. In ranch homes like yours, the overhang actually hides the front door from view, so I agree … let’s cut those bangs.

With the porch gone, I suggest adding a gable roof above the living room window. Some arched casing around the windows gives the façade a dash of interest. A bracketed overhang and some bright red paint make the front door stand out in a new way.

You also will see that I have added a flower box to one of the bedroom windows and lowered the sill of the other. These and other windows get new paneled shutters painted green. This all imparts a ‘cottagey,’ happy feel to the façade. The landscaping close to the house has been made more continuous, but not too formal, and the shade tree in the foreground gets a fresh dose of under planting.

These changes create a new ’do to bring out some charming possibilities that went unnoticed before.


Homework is penned by Paul Doerner, founding partner of The Lawrence Group. If you would like your home critiqued, contact us at 


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