
Homework: Close-Up Ready

Dear Homework,
Having lived in this ’20s-era Tudor for decades, I guess I’ve taken it for granted. I would like to spruce up the place, and I have a few goals. I would like to widen the circle drive to two lanes, dramatically upgrade the landscaping, paint the windows a different color, and perhaps remove the non-original ‘outer doors’ at the entry. Can I do these things and dramatically improve the Old Girl’s appearance?
— Ready For My Close Up

Dear Ready For My Close Up,
The changes you suggest can make a dramatic improvement to your property if you first remove all the pokey little trees that block the view to your gorgeous home. As you can see from my sketch, the remaining trees still frame the façade beautifully, but now the entire composition can be seen in its entirety, at a glance. It’s a beautifully balanced design that needs nothing added.

For your new color, I would suggest picking up on the slate roof colors and using a blue/gray for both the dark and light existing window trim. I definitely would lose the outer doors and open up the arch. Next, I would give the widened drive the feel of an arrival court by bordering it with an evergreen hedge accented with brick and stone piers. This helps reinforce the entry element as the dominant piece of the composition.

Finally, I would keep the new landscape simple. Add a tall-growing evergreen to the left of the elevation, to balance the one on the far right, and then keep the rest of the plantings low, flowing and casual. Fill the entry stoop with overflowing potted plants.

The ‘Old Girl’ is now ready for her close up.

Thanks for asking,

[Homework is penned by Paul Doerner, Founding Partner of the Lawrence Group. If you would like your home critiqued, contact us at .]

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