
Homework: Time to Get Serious

Dear Homework,
When I married my husband, he asked if I wanted to move, but I said, “Let’s wait a couple years.” It has now been 10 years, and we are still here. I do not love the design of this house. It is too dark and the exterior is ‘Chicago brick.’ I think a few changes could really make a difference in its look. Can you help? I’d love a more traditional look.
—Time To Get Serious

Hmwk-House-picture-#2Dear Time To Get Serious,
The only traditional look that your contemporary ranch could convincingly evolve into would be the Craftsman style. To that end, I show a new front door and sidelights, capped with a new trellis supported by curving brackets.

New Craftsman lanterns have been moved to the space adjacent to the sidelights. Painting the door and siding, and a suggested new roof color, complete the architectural updates. The landscape changes basically save the day by adding charm and ‘oomph’ in numerous ways. New evergreen hedges replace the cheesy draped chain.

Tall, columnar evergreens frame the entry and help hold the eye at the improvements here. Flower boxes top the brick piers, adding color and detail. Enormous flower pots, in a color to match the front door, enhance the entry, and tall fountain grasses finish the composition and soften the blank brick walls.

The house now looks somewhat more traditional, and a lot more inviting.
Thanks for asking,

[Homework is penned by Paul Doerner, Founding Partner of the Lawrence Group. If you would like your home critiqued, contact us at]

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