
Hooked on Books: 3.24.21

Milk Fed: A Novel by Melissa Broder | I should just stop reading books that are on the ‘most anticipated list’ because I am inevitably disappointed. This story of a woman who is obsessed about the food she eats, thanks in part to her crazy mother’s own obsession about weight, lets us follow her through her therapist-required, 90-day detox from her mom. At times the story is funny; at others, heartbreaking, and as a mom myself, I just wanted her misery to end.

Girl A by Abigail Dean
It’s hard to believe this is the first book Dean has written because it is unforgettable. The dark and edgy thriller about a family in which the children have been abused and the aftermath once they are removed from the home will show you both the resilience of kids and the coping mechanisms we use to survive. If you don’t shed a tear or two, well, get your heart checked. It is that good.

Still Life by Louise Penney
A friend introduced me to the series of books written by Penney, and I’m sure happy she did. For any of you who love a good mystery, you might want to join me as I make my way through all of her books as Inspector Gamache solves the crimes—murders, of course—that happen in Three Pines, just a little north of the U.S. border in Canada. They are quick reads, very entertaining and I am already well into my third in the series. FYI, Penney and Hillary Clinton just announced they are collaborating on a new novel. I can’t wait!

My Sister, the Serial Killer by Oyinkan Braithwaite
This novel set in Lagos is surprisingly funny, and no, my emotions haven’t been killed from watching too much Dateline. The story involves two sisters, one beautiful, the other not so much. The beautiful one tends to keep a knife handy and knows how to use it. Unfortunately, the other sister, out of a sense of loyalty, learns how to, well, shall we say, clean up after her. They are quite a pair. Enjoyed it!

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