
Hope for Families: SSM Health Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital

Pregnancy is a time of joy and anticipation, but preparing for a new baby can also bring stress and worry. That’s especially true when dealing with complicated health issues. In October 2017, while pregnant with their second daughter, Emily, Lauren and Tim Simon faced every parent’s worst nightmare: Their baby’s heart was not developing correctly. They were referred to the Fetal Care Institute at SSM Health Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital. It was the beginning of a journey of care and support for the entire Simon family, and now, five years later, Emily is a happy 4-year-old who enjoys dancing, playing and going to school.

At 24 weeks, Emily was diagnosed with hypoplastic left heart syndrome, a congenital heart defect where the left side of the heart does not form correctly. “It was a lot to take in, but everyone at Cardinal Glennon was very comforting, especially during the pregnancy when so much was unknown,” Lauren says. “Doctors spent hours explaining things and going over plans for what would happen next. We weren’t just told what was going to be done—we were given an active role in deciding on her care.”

To treat her heart defect, Emily has had three open heart surgeries and five cardiac catheters placed. It’s a lot for any person to undergo, especially a young child, but Tim says the doctors, nurses and staff at SSM Health Cardinal Glennon have always made his daughter feel comfortable. “The last time we went in for surgery, Emily was skipping on her way into the building,” he notes. “Everyone at the hospital goes out of their way to get to know her, so she’s happy about visiting.” One of Emily’s favorite things about going to SSM Health Cardinal Glennon is getting to spend time with Duo Dog Thor, the hospital’s facility dog. During her last overnight stay for cardiac catheterization, Thor was unable to visit. However, hospital staff left a special coloring book and note from the pooch for Emily. “It made her feel like the most special person in the world,” Tim says.

Emily isn’t the only member of their family who receives care and attention from the hospital’s staff. “They always ask about our other daughters,” Lauren says. “While they know Emily the best, they help all of our girls feel involved in the experience, which is really important to us as a family.” The Simons work to pay SSM Health Cardinal Glennon back for the support they’ve received. Both Tim and Lauren serve on the Patient Family Advisory Committee to share their perspective. Tim also provides a patient’s standpoint on the hospital’s ethics committee, and Lauren is helping establish a mentoring program for patients.

To ensure SSM Health Cardinal Glennon can provide the treatment and support that families like the Simons need, the hospital relies on generous community partners and innovative fundraisers. One of its major initiatives is the Glennon Card, a discount shopping program that allows St. Louisans to help ensure that the hospital never has to turn away a child for care. Each fall, the purchase of a $60 card unlocks a 20% discount at more than 320 retailers, eateries and attractions, and 100% of card sales benefit the hospital. The program is organized by the SSM Health Cardinal Glennon Children’s Foundation and the Glennon Guild, a women’s auxiliary.

This year’s Glennon Card shopping period runs from Oct. 14 to 23. Cards are available in paper and digital forms at or can be purchased at select retail locations. “I enjoy Glennon Card so much,” Lauren says. “We’ve discovered a lot of local shops and restaurants through the program. You’re not only giving back to the hospital—you’re also supporting the community, which is really cool.” Tim adds the family likes to take advantage of the discount to get ahead on holiday shopping or cover annual purchases like tennis shoes and winter coats for their girls. “Everything about Glennon Card is St. Louis forward—from helping local kids to working with local businesses,” he notes. “There’s no downside.”

Over the years, the funds raised by Glennon Card have been used to support initiatives like 3D printing technology, the Danis Pediatric Center, the hospital’s Milk Lab and other advancements to improve patient care and experience. The Simons are deeply appreciative of all the work that has been done to ensure that SSM Health Cardinal Glennon can best serve its young patients. “We’re both from St. Louis, and even though we’ve lived here our entire lives, we knew nothing about Cardinal Glennon until we needed it,” Lauren says. “It’s such a valuable place for St. Louis, and it reaches so many people in our community. We want to shine a spotlight on the good work being done there.”

Purchase a Glennon Card for 10 days of savings at local retailers, eateries and attractions Oct. 14 to 23 while supporting SSM Health Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital. Pictured on the cover: Lauren and Tim Simon with their daughters Emily, Abby and Natalie at Crate & Barrel. Look for more coverage of the program in the Oct. 19 issue of T&S, and visit for additional information.

Cover design by Julie Streiler
Cover photo by Colin Miller of Strauss Peyton Photography

Photos courtesy of SSM Health Cardinal Glennon Children’s Foundation

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