
Hoping for the Best

Dear Homework,
In July, my young family moved into this lovely white Colonial on a charming lane in Ladue. We feel it is full of possibilities and wonder what you might do to bring out the best in it. Thanks for your input.
—Hoping for the Best

HmWk_before138Dear Hoping for the Best,
Your home features details first seen in the late Georgian/Regency period in England. The strict symmetry and spare use of ornament of that style is clearly seen in your front façade. I feel that the existing bold black and white color scheme works perfectly with this style.

I would first suggest strengthening the architecture by instituting a few simple changes. I would install wider, more authentic shutters with hinges and tie-backs. I also would replace the existing, under-detailed porch columns with paired columns featuring better capitals and bases. I would add a pediment detail over the central second-floor window to reinforce the façade’s formality.

Finally, I would remove the second floor window boxes. I am trying to move the overall presentation in a formal direction, and window boxes tend to create a ‘charming’ or quaint feel.

With the landscape, I would first suggest framing the façade with tall, paired evergreen columns planted beyond the edge of the elevation, which minimizes the presence of neighboring properties. Next, I would plant a continuous yew hedge, clipped to the height of the ground-floor window sills, and then underscore the hedge with a bed of bright red flowers for a color accent. To me, the house now looks like a little palace that is both elegant and inviting.

Hope that helps.

[Homework is penned by Paul Doerner, Founding Partner of the Lawrence Group. if you would like your home critiqued, contact us at]

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