
Let’s turn OK into OMG

Dear Homework,
We love our house in Glendale and its parklike setting. We have been working on many interior projects but have run out of steam now that we approach the exterior. We think that we would like to paint the brick white and perhaps change the front door to differentiate it with the door at the other end of the porch. The screened porch could also use some help. Do you have any ideas?

Let’s turn OK into OMG

Dear OK into OMG,
I think that your house looks pretty good to begin with, but painting the brick white will bring the whole composition together. I would like to add a pair of light piers and clipped hedges that will create another layer of architecture to the entry garden, bringing a new level of elegance. Instead of changing the front door, I suggest planting over the walkway that leads to the secondary door.

The additional landscape changes show simple horizontal planting under the window sills and some begonias under the entry hedges for some color. An upright evergreen provides a vertical accent and helps hide the screen porch door as does some ornamental grasses.

All together these changes elevate the presentation enough to move it into OMG territory. Hopefully, you will be inspired to continue with the remodeling.

Thanks for asking.

Homework is penned by Paul Doerner, founding partner of The Lawrence Group. If you would like your home critiqued, contact us at

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