
Looking for Love

Dear Homework,
Help me love my house again! Over the last few years, I have removed two dying shade trees and some overgrown bushes. I still want to remove the remaining clumps of tired yews but would like to retain the large white pine to the left of the garage. The concrete front porch needs hiding, and I need privacy there since I often leave the inner door open. I wonder whether I should change the color of the shutters to a light or dark green. What would you do to make my house look great?

Thanks for your advice,
Looking for Love

Dear Looking for Love,
I’ve got lots of ideas. First, hide the porch slab with an evergreen hedge and then hang some flower boxes from the railings to give you additional privacy. Next, frame the corners of the façade with flowering trees and bring in some additional evergreen hedges capped off with a couple of clipped, round specimens. Finally, an upright evergreen draws attention to the entry door.

Pale green shutters and a forest green front door give the façade a less formal look and blend nicely with the brick color as well as the landscape. All together, these changes transform the property’s somewhat forlorn feel and hopefully your feelings toward it as well.

Thanks for asking,

Homework is penned by Paul Doerner, founding partner of The Lawrence Group. If you would like your home critiqued, contact us at

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