
Not So Deep Thoughts: 4.4.18

tv » queer eye. netflix originals.
This is a brand-new version of the hit Bravo TV series featuring five gay guys who try to save a poor slob from himself. I am not sure where they find their subjects, but clearly, none has been to a barber or clothing store or noticed anything has changed in the past 20 or so years. I love a good makeover show, and this one makes me laugh.

book » my husband’s wife: a novel by jane corry.
This is a twisting thriller that will keep you guessing from start to finish. Only problem is that I found the characters unlikable, and as a result, didn’t really care what happened to any of them. Not great when the book is more than 400 pages long. I had high expectations since it appeared on lots of ‘must read’ lists at the end of the year. I wish I hadn’t.

podcast » wine and crime. available on sound cloud and itunes.
This true crime comedy podcast features three Minnesotans who sit around and drink wine while discussing crime. It is funny because they are friends and the podcast feels like you are eavesdropping on a conversation at a bar with lots of laughter. I didn’t know crime could be funny.

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