
Not So Deep Thoughts: 6.19.19

book » wholly unraveled: a memoir by keele burgin.
This is a book that you will read in one sitting, or in my case, during the long drive home from Florida. The author grew up in a family that belongs to a strict Catholic cult with nonsensical rules that, when broken, result in horrifying consequences. Once she leaves home for college, she finds herself doing anything and everything she couldn’t do before, which still leaves her in a place of unhappiness. She stumbles her way to a community in Canada and basically restarts her life. She is fearless and lacks any self-pity. It’s hard to believe this is her first book; the writing is outstanding.

tv » a.p. bio. nbc.
Warning: You need to watch a few episodes to warm up to this show because some of the characters are downright awful. Jack, a Harvard-educated professor, finds himself teaching A.P. Bio in Toledo, Ohio, after his nemesis gets the job he wanted. Instead of teaching the students, he spends classroom time plotting against his enemies. As I watched the first episode, I kept saying the show was awful … while chuckling. Next thing I knew, I was looking forward to my weekly dose of sarcastic meanness. Not quite sure what this says about me, but perhaps knowing I am better than Jack keeps me watching.

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