
Not So Deep Thoughts: 8.8.18

tv » dirty money. Netflix
I think this is the perfect series to download for a plane ride since each of the six episodes can be viewed independently. These are well-researched documentaries that cover everything from big pharma to money laundering by drug cartels. They are all fascinating, and I feel smarter for having watched them.

book » mrs.: a novel by Caitlin Macy
I kept hearing that this book was a ‘must read,’ so I read it. I’m glad I did it while in a beach chair because this falls in the category of ‘summer read.’ It’s the story of three families, all with children who attend a prestigious nursery school on the Upper East Side in New York City. To be honest, no one is very likable. I did hear it already has been optioned for a movie. Hmmm. It won’t overtax your brain, which is sometimes what you need in 90-degree weather.

app » who’s my mutter
You’ve heard of the many DNA kits available for humans, right? Well, now there is a similar process for dogs. Who’s My Mutter is a revolutionary app created by a mother and daughter team from St. Louis, Laura and Millie Moulder. The software enables pet owners to learn more about the breed of their dogs through in-app features like real-time facial recognition, in-depth breed analysis and images. In addition to educating owners on their pets’ origins, proper nutrition and more, Who’s My Mutter connects shelters with those seeking adoptable pets. Future plans include a feline-friendly version and the ability to locate lost pets.

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