
Off the Cuff: Love for the StL

St. Louis downtown city skyline at twilight.

rene knott | You’ve been in St. Louis longer than anywhere else and watched your family grow here.
It’s been incredible. My son was born in Mobile, then we moved to D.C. and my daughter was born there. When we came here, we didn’t know what to expect. It has been a great experience family-wise because the neighborhood where we live is very strong. My son went to Wash. U. and my daughter went to Mizzou. It’s been outstanding to see them go from learning how to walk to being full grown adults leading their own lives.

chip caray
Where did you hangout in St. Louis growing up?
I was a dishwasher at Rich & Charlie’s. My maternal grandparents would also take me to Schneithorst’s. I lived out in West County, so I would go to the Chesterfield Mall and hit up the Orange Julius. St. Louis is just a great place to grow up. There’s the sports culture, you get to experience all of the seasons, and the midwestern sensibility has a genuineness to it that you don’t find everywhere.

cedric the entertainer
Why is St. Louis still home to you?
It’s truly the place where I discovered who I was as a young person. I went through high school, got my first job, bought my first house and launched my career here. It’s important to have a place where you can have that Norm from Cheers feeling. Everyone knows your name, and they know the real you, not just the celebrity. I love the vibration I get when I’m in St. Louis.

danny meyer
Favorite activity in St. Louis other than seeing family and friends?
It’s going to restaurants. I just love eating. I think the spirit in St. Louis is unbelievable. It’s a city that is underappreciated, certainly by people on the East Coast. The food scene has become so exciting.

jon jay
What’s one thing you’ve come to appreciate about St. Louis?
As a father, I try to raise my kids to be the best people they can, and I really value how genuine St. Louisians are. It’s something other players see as well, and they appreciate how they are treated here. Sometimes, other cities and fans can be hostile, but St. Louis is a place where people genuinely care.

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