
Off the Cuff with Claiborne: 9.20.23

With each Off the Cuff, we try to share some insight into notable people who have made their mark on St. Louis, but unfortunately, it’s impossible for us to include it all. So this issue we’ve decided to share some of the awesome answers that we couldn’t the first time around.

jon jay
What is the one thing you’re better at cooking that your wife?
Nothing. She’s better than me at everything. I try to help as much I can, and I cook breakfast every day in the off season. I’m up super early and try to get done with my workouts by 7:30 a.m., so I can be home with the kids, get them up and ready for the day, and make breakfast. It’s kind of our tradition.

So you’re not dangerous in the kitchen?
To some people, I am. I used to have the reputation that if I opened a restaurant, it would be called Crispy’s.

michelle smallmon
Other than your current gig, what’s the most fun job you’ve had?
I worked on Russillo & Kanell when I was at the ESPN headquarters. It’s the type of show I always wanted to work on. Part of the reason that you get into this business is that you want to be at all of the big games, and we got to travel a lot. We went on football and basketball tours where we visited some of the best college sports environments in the country. Just being at some of those venues is the stuff you always dream about.

dave glover
What is the best thing about your show?
You can probably guess it, but it’s the people. We’re like a family, especially with the fighting. We love and care about each other, but we also know everyone’s buttons and will push them. If you listen and feel like you’re listening to a bunch of friends, it’s because you are. I think that’s the magic of the show. I do not have the skillset to do anything else. I could not do a solo show. I’m successful 100% because of the human beings who sit in chairs next to me.

art holliday
Do you remember your first job? How much was that first check?
It was in Oklahoma City at KOCO-TV in 1977. I think I was making $14,000 or $15,000 a year. By today’s standards that doesn’t sound like much, but when you’re fresh out of college and used to looking under seat cushions for beer money, that $15 grand is pretty good.

jackie joyner-kersee
How do you stay in shape these days?
I do a lot of walking. I love to go to parks because I’m always looking for areas with a lot of grass that allows me to run.

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