
Off the Cuff with Claiborne: Best of the Cardinals

chip caray | Did you ever imagine you’d be a broadcaster for the Cardinals?
It still doesn’t seem real. Growing up in St. Louis, I listened to Jack Buck, Mike Shannon and Bob Starr. When I was starting out in Orlando covering the Magic, I was approached to become a Cardinals broadcaster with Joe Buck. I couldn’t take the opportunity at the time, but I always wondered about it in the back of my mind. I knew I was passing up something great—it’s one of the best broadcasting jobs in baseball. I never imagined I’d get another chance. It’s really exciting and a lot of fun.

oliver marmol
How did you decide to take the Cardinals manager position?
Saying it’s an honor is an understatement. The Cardinals are not only among the best organizations in baseball but all of sports. It’s an absolute privilege to be able to manage this club and help lead it. When the opportunity was presented, I talked it through with my wife, and we determined what the next stage of our careers would look like. I don’t want to say it was an easy decision, but this type of opportunity doesn’t come up very often, and we felt like it was the right time.

jon jay
Tell me about your experience as an Olympic qualifier.
It’s been amazing. I really wanted to earn a spot on Team USA. There is a great mix of veterrn players like Edwin Jackson and Marc Rzepczynski and young guys like Jarren Duran and Triston Casas. It’s good to spend time with all of them. Casas is 21 years old, and he told me he saw me play at the University of Miami when he was a kid. It’s an unbelievable opportunity to represent our country in the sport of baseball.

jack flaherty
If you didn’t play a professional sport, what would you want to be?
When I was younger, I would have said something like a lawyer. But now, I’d have to say I would still be involved with sports whether it’s in the front office or on the agent side—the day-to-day stuff that a lot of people don’t see and making sure the guys are taken care of. I might also get into something like broadcasting or being an analyst. It’s always interesting to see what those careers do.

john “mo” mozeliak
What were you doing before baseball came along, and what would you be doing if it hadn’t?
I have no idea. I was young and just out of college when I was lucky enough to get the opportunity to start with the Colorado Rockies. If you had said at any point in my tenure there that I would have the opportunity to run a major league team, I would have said you were nuts.

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