
Off the Cuff with Claiborne: Jami Dolby

Jami Dolby is often likened to St. Louis’ own Olivia Pope. Renowned as a connection broker, she has more than a decade of experience in consulting with corporations, business owners and entertainers, connecting them through ideas, people and cultures. She has teamed up with Jess Anderson and Jasmine Evans to establish a new agency called Juxtapose 1764. Dolby, who closely guards her client roster, is persistently broadening her influence in the region.

Tell me about your new venture.
I’m excited. After 20 years in my professional career, I am doing a partnership for the first time. Jasmine and Jess are two communication professionals like myself. For us, it’s really about strategic communication. We’re doing brand architecture, talent management and connections. We’re really focusing on what connections mean for corporations and individual clients. Whether it’s to community engagement, the corporate community or St. Louis in general, we’re here to make it happen.

What are some of the challenges you deal with?
Getting the word out. We are more than a public relations agency. PR really is just one arm of strategic communications. The challenge is that everyone thinks they can do it alone, but we have the necessary connections and know what branding a voice takes for individuals, companies and nonprofits. We take our time. We know our clients and the communities we are serving from the east coast to the west coast.

Why St. Louis?
Why not? Juxtapose 1764 is named after the year St. Louis was founded. It’s a wonderful city. It’s a place with so many great ideas and great people. I think that being able to get the word out here is magical. That doesn’t mean it stops in St. Louis, but here it starts and elevates in a way that only the Midwest can do.

Favorite restaurants in St. Louis?
Out west, my absolute favorite eatery is Bishop’s Post. For downtown, I would have to say Levels. I don’t want to give away my secret in Clayton, but I think my favorite thing to eat has to be The Ritz’s sushi. Nothing beats it.

Life is good when you have a glass of what?
St. Louis water. The tap water is my absolute favorite.

Are you more excited for crisis management or new endeavors?
Crisis management all day. I love a good challenge.

Mountains or beach?

You wouldn’t be caught dead wearing what?
A jumper without a friend to help me get out of it.

What should every woman have in her closet?
A pair of Chucks. They go with everything from a suit to casual attire. When all else fails, my Chucks get me through the day.

What might people not know about Jami?
I’m an extreme night owl.

Tell me one thing people take for granted about St. Louis.
The people. We overuse the same people, but there are so many amazing young people. We do also need more experienced individuals, but we should rotate who we go to. The opportunities are endless with the people here.

What are you most excited about with Juxtapose 1764?
Partnering with two other women. I’ve often said collaboration over competition. When you collaborate, you really can’t lose. I’m excited to share the workload and experiences. Juxtapose 1764 is ready to elevate St. Louis and make sure everyone knows about the great people and businesses we have here.

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