
Out & About: 10.14.15

sept. 17
exclusive! »
Out-About-Immerse-Photo-(1)St. Louisans were all abuzz about the arrival of high-end Waterworks fixtures that Immerse is now carrying exclusively. Pictured: Leigh Suffian of Immerse and Paul Golaszewski of Waterworks.
—Lauren Rechan

sept. 25
an aria evening »Winter-Opera-photo - Copy The father-daughter talents of Dominic and Gina Galeti were evident at Winter Opera’s Fall  Gala, held at Dominic’s Trattoria in Clayton. Pictured: Gina Galati and tenor Jorge Pita Carreras
—Dorothy Weiner

sept. 17
cheers! »blue-moon-dinner - Copy Editors Dorothy Weiner and Stephanie Zeilenga sampled a five-course beer pairing dinner hosted by Blue Moon Brewing Company at The Cheshire Restaurant. Pictured: Blue Moon CEO Keith Villa

sept. 24
frozen »disney-on-ice-photo Disney on Ice totally enthralled the Meyer kids as their favorite characters sang and danced while skating around Chaifetz Arena.
—Karyn Meyer

sept. 25
homegrown »Crescent-Coast-Launch-Party - Copy » St. Louisan Jimmy Sansone launched his casual menswear line, The Normal Brand, at an event hosted by Crescent Coast. Pictured: Jimmy Sansone, Terry
—Anna Kaczkowski & Lauren Rechan 

sept. 15
fore! »» Guests had a hootin’ good time at the 20th Memorial Jack Buck golf tournament. Funds were raised for the Paralyzed Veterans of America. Pictured: Peter Vaccard, Mike Arens, Christine Buck-Mason, Stan Brown and Bob Rives.
—Paul & Beth Chesterton

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