
Parent Trap: Timeless Wisdom for Grads

Before high school grads embark on the next leg of their journey, it’s a good time to reflect on their life up until now and mindfully take charge of their future. Here are 10 pieces of advice for young adults starting their next chapters.

  1. Reflect on what you have learned about yourself thus far academically, socially and in romantic relationships. What have you discovered about your interests, strengths, aptitude and passions
  2. Reframe any negative beliefs you’ve accrued about yourself due to adversities. Adolescents who were ditched by their friend group may have decided that they are not good enough, are weird, don’t fit in or are unimportant. You’re not in charge of what challenges come your way, but you are always in charge of what you make of them.
  3. Set intentions for what you want as far as academic, social and personal growth. College is a chance to get out of your comfort zone and reinvent yourself, so go for it!
  4. Learn to savor each moment. Learn to slow down and let yourself be present for the unsung moments of life, those in-between moments that make up most of our lives. You’ve been conditioned to scroll to the next more exciting thing and to be restless and bored, causing you to rush from one experience to the next. Cultivate the mindful awareness of the more subtle but fulfilling moments between the moments that comprise the vast majority of our existence. Savor these moments and the joy that they bring.
  5. Learn to enjoy quiet, alone time. Make it important to find a safe space on campus to think, reflect, soul search or journal. Take time regularly to express your emotions so they do not build up and overwhelm you.
  6. Make a list of the qualities of a true friend and look for people who embody those attributes. It’s important to surround yourself with supportive friends, so it’s okay to be selective and deliberate.
  7. Embrace the uncertainty of your future and remember that there are infinite ways to get there. Be open to experiences that you are drawn to and trust they will slowly but surely lead you to your calling.
  8. Teach your parents along the way about how to support you. Also, it’s time to embrace that you should know what’s best for you more than anyone. It’s time to carve out your own path.
  9. Learn from your mistakes and failures. These experiences will help you grow through new perspectives, grit, resilience, generosity, empathy and the ability to reach out for help. The intensity of today’s experiences might lead to career choices you hadn’t previously considered.
  10. Be the architect of what it means for you to have it all. Define success and balance on your own terms. This will bring you fulfillment and contentment.

Take charge of your beliefs about yourself and move into this next stage of your life unencumbered by old baggage. Learn to have quiet time to check in with yourself to keep on target with your desires. Interview lots of adults and ask them how they got to their calling in order to give you the courage to live life your way and to forge your own path. You are in charge of your story, including your past, present and future. Savor the moments and enjoy this next adventure. And as Dr. Seuss so wisely wrote, “Oh, the places you’ll go.”

Tim Jordan, M.D., is a behavioral pediatrician who works with girls in grade school through college. Check out his new online course, Parenting girls: The challenges girls face today with their feelings and friends and what they need, at

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