
Patty Unleashed: 10.2.24

Hard to believe that someone with OCD missed Mental Health Awareness Month in September, but I have been focused on my own mental health! The subject is starting to be something people are willing to talk about. Finally, the public understands that a person does not cause their illness. Most of us are just born that way with symptoms often appearing at the most inopportune times. Mental illness is just like any other illness, but people are embarrassed to admit they have it or share their own personal struggles because it is often seen as a sign of weakness. I wish I had someone to blame, but I was born this way—to steal a line from Lady Gaga.

I suffer from both obsessive-compulsive disorder and anxiety. On the outside, I look cool as a cucumber, but on the inside, my brain is racing and it is hard to stop. Mental illness comes in all flavors, but OCD is mine. Each day, I hope it will disappear, but it does not. It likes to hang around. I am not a germ freak. I do not count tiles like Rain Man. Instead, I have intrusive thoughts that are hard to control. If you suffer, know you are not alone. There are great doctors and therapists who can help. You just need to ask for it.

So, even though October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month—certainly you have noticed the pink ribbons—I just want to ask you to not only think about your breasts but give your friend who might be struggling with a mental illness a little extra love.

Right turn…..

On to something newsier: Soap operas are coming back! My husband and I are General Hospital faithfuls. Nearly every day, you can find us glued in front of the TV set watching the townspeople of Port Charles, New York. This fictional city seems to have a big mob problem for so few people. No, it is not the Sopranos, but Sonny, Jason and Carly who keep us entertained for the hour we eat our lunch. General Hospital, unlike older (and canceled) soap operas, moves at a quick pace so we even watch the ones we miss on Hulu.

For you former All My Children fans, Lifetime (where else!) has committed to three movies to test the waters. I will share the dates once I hear about them. ABC is creating a new soap opera called The Gates, which sounds like Dynasty if you’re old enough to remember that show. Though, no one will ever be as crazy as the Carringtons.

Why the change? Apparently, all the talk shows the networks replaced them with are rating bombs. Hmmm, I should be in TV programming because I could have told them that when they kicked Erica Kane to the curb. Because I am all powerful, I will review these new soaps so you do not have to. I will consider it my civic duty. Peace my Peeps.

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