
Patty Unleashed: 10.4.17

There is a lot going on in my noggin lately. I am sure we all have times when we think about how we live and wonder: Should I do things differently? You might be wondering what got me started down this path. And, more importantly, did I come up with any answers?

First, Walter Becker died. Now, if that has no meaning to you, you weren’t “Reelin’ in the Years” with me during the ‘70s and ‘80s. Becker was half of Steely Dan, a rock duo that was a favorite of mine and my husband Carey. When I first saw the iPhone alert (yes, there was an alert from The New York Times), I ran out into the yard to tell Carey the news. My husband is not good with names, but he was stunned when I screamed, “Walter Becker died!” He actually stopped using the hedge clippers and said “@#%$.” He repeated it again when I told him he was only 67.

Second, my brother John turned 70 in April and decided to run a 10K with some of his kids and grandkids. The last time he ran, he was in the Navy during the Vietnam War! About three years ago, he moved back to St. Louis, put on his shoes and just like Forrest Gump, started running again at 67. Who does that?

So was this 10K on John’s bucket list? Does he have a bucket list? Do you think Walter had a bucket list? Then I realized I don’t want to know if John or anyone I love has a bucket list; it scares me. I know death is inevitable, but a list where you check things off? What happens when you get to the end? And what age do you start one? 67? Is that too old or too young?

I just couldn’t let it go. I wondered if I should make a bucket list to get the most out of my life. I love lists, so it seemed like a natural and easy thing to do. But I didn’t know if it would make me uneasy to have something like that lying around or it encourage me to live life to its fullest.

Just like manna from heaven, I was strolling through Barnes and Noble and I saw a journal titled My Ultimate Bucket List. I bought it and decided to start there. It would give me ideas and a way to keep track of them. It also was really thick, so I wouldn’t get freaked out about it ending too soon.

Can you guess what happens next? Yes, the journal has been thrown across the room and will never be used again! I am not sure who wrote this thing but clearly they were not of sound mind. First bucket list activity: Go sky diving. Why bother listing anything else? That could be the only thing in the journal. Check. Done. Dead. Another one: Reach my goal weight. Now the journal is judging my body size? Shouldn’t it be making me feel good? And another: Party at Coachella. I can assure you if I showed up at Coachella, every other ‘cool’ person would leave. People would ask, “Who brought their mom?” Plus, I have trouble with certain smells these days, if you know what I mean.

So, no bucket list for me and thankfully no discussion with my brother about his. I’m not sure I want him to know I care that much. I’ll just keep listening to Steely Dan and cheering on Forrest as he runs.

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