
Patty Unleashed: 10.7.15

Last month I told you about everything that was making me cranky, so this week I want to share the things that make me smile. I am, after all, a well-rounded person.

» The Real Housewives of Orange County and Meghan King Edmonds – I love reality TV, and I’ll say it proudly. I am addicted and can easily spend an afternoon watching a Real Housewives’ marathon. The Orange County version is my favorite because it features part-time St. Louisan Meghan King Edmonds. Meghan is married to former Cardinals player Jim Edmonds and is a polarizing character. People love to hate her, but I want her in every scene. Meghan has the same affliction I do: whatever pops into her mind, pops out of her mouth. I love her honesty, but it looks like her cast members want to clobber her. Even when she doesn’t say anything, she has a ‘WTF’ look on her face. That makes me smile. I can’t tell if she is happy she decided to join the cast, or aghast. Keeping talking, Meghan, because you are the only reason I watch.

» Clayton’s Shaw Park – I am not big on nature, even when it’s bordered by high rises. But I recently took a walk in Shaw Park, and while I am not sure I understand the various sculptures (is that really an elephant riding a tricycle?), it has amazing gardens. I have no idea what the plants are, but somehow they have survived the hot summer. I almost want to sit there and enjoy the cool fall weather, but then I would start worrying about bugs. If you have bugs, you could get ticks and then Lyme disease. Though I have yet to see a deer in Clayton. Never mind. If you haven’t visited this park lately, go for a stroll.

» Tiny Beautiful Things – Before Cheryl Strayed wrote the book Wild, where she told her story of walking the Pacific Crest Trail, she was an advice columnist for the website The Rumpus. This book is a compilation of her advice. Now I know you probably don’t need any more advice than what you read in our monthly BackTalk column, but this book covers so many topics and is a perfect combination of funny and heartwarming. Pick up a copy! Oh, and to clarify: The BackTalk columnists will not be hiking the Ozark Highland Trail any time soon, so you might want to pick up Cheryl’s other book, too.

» Donald Trump – I know he was on my cranky list last month, but I have a new fascination for the man. Every time he opens his mouth, he insults someone, yet people still love him. He can state with conviction that Heidi Klum is no longer a 10 or say, “Look at that face. Would anybody vote for that?” regarding fellow candidate Carly Fiorina. It’s as if he has a Teflon coating, so regardless of what he says, it just bounces right off. I used to read the comics first thing in the morning, but now I wake up wondering what Donald Trump has said. It’s as if he has us all under his magical hair spell.

So while my mood generally tilts toward cranky, this past month has been an exception. And for that, I thank Meghan, Donald, a great book and a beautiful park. Oh, and my evening martini.

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