
Patty Unleashed: 2.24.16

This January I decided to participate in Dry January. Not familiar with the term Dry January? Let me explain.

The idea originated in the United Kingdom, I am guessing somewhere in a pub on Jan. 1, after a particularly rough New Year’s Eve. Some folks probably got together and swore off booze for a month. Next thing you know, they have a website,, and an entire country is participating.

Nearly every medical professional stands behind the idea. They promise a month without alcohol will result in weight loss, better sleep, clear skin, huge savings, less irritability and better concentration. Unfortunately, I did not have the same results. Though again, my January was not completely dry.

First, I gained weight. Now that I wasn’t having a cocktail before dinner, I decided I could have dessert after dinner. I quickly learned the calories in one beer were far less than those you’d find in, say, chocolate cake with fudge frosting. Someone should have warned me. Oh, and did you know the cost of a dessert at a restaurant is about the same as a cocktail? So, no huge savings for me. I must admit that I did sleep better, but as far as irritability, well, I am always just a little perturbed about something or someone—alcohol has nothing to do with that. The one thing they don’t list as a benefit is the superiority you feel when you tell people you aren’t drinking due to your commitment to Dry January. Many say, “I couldn’t do that,” which gave me the opportunity to feel just a little bit better about myself. I will try again next year and hopefully be dry instead of damp.

I was a Girl Scout leader for many years, and my troop, from Forsyth School, sold cookies. Actually sold is not the word: they blanketed the community with cookies. Everyone, and I mean everyone, in the troop participated in this fundraising event. I suspect their parents are still eating boxes of Thin Mints they purchased years ago. (If you freeze the cookies they last forever.) I always thought the best way to eat Girl Scout cookies was to crawl in bed with a sleeve of Thin Mints and not get up until you had eaten the whole thing. (Fun fact: If washed down with a diet soda, you can negate all the calories.) But according to recent news stories, the new trend is to pair your favorite Girl Scout cookies with wines and beer!

Even though we have a few weeks until our cookies are delivered, go ahead and get your wine and beer selections purchased so you are ready. I think this is a perfect idea for a party! Oh, and since I’m not a real wine or beer enthusiast (give me a Bud Light and I am happy), I can’t vouch for these recommendations.

Listed in order of cookies, wine, beer:
Thin Mints; Brunello; Shipyard Mint Chocolate Stout
Samoas; Rioja; Funky Buddha Last Snow
Trefoils; German Riesling; Oskar Blues Old Chub
Do-Si-Dos; California Zinfandel; New Belgium Shift

You can find more suggestions at and Contact Patty at

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