
Patty Unleashed: 3.24.21

I am feeling optimistic about the pandemic, and as regular readers know, I am not an optimist. As you would expect of me, I listen to the update from the COVID-19 Task Force twice a week, and though they seem somewhat concerned about the new variants popping up, they feel confident scientists will keep evolving the vaccines. I really think one day soon, I’ll be heading to CVS and getting a shot in my arm. So I thought I would share my successes and failures during the pandemic.

Patty’s List of Failures:
I tried to play golf. I actually took lessons. Well, I took one lesson and didn’t show up for the rest. It was too hot. I thought you could just use the club like a baseball bat, and the truth is, I just wanted to drink beer at the end of the lesson.

I tried to paint on canvas with oils. My friend Laurie got me all set up with supplies. I consider myself somewhat artistic, so I assumed it would be fun. After I showed several people my finished painting and they asked what it was, I stopped. (It was a flower.)

I looked at all of the photos I have collected over the years and planned to put together baby books for my son who is 32 and my daughter who is 24 and decided if I waited this long, what’s another few years?

I fractured both of my feet. My first was a stress fracture from too much walking. I blame one of my friends who is in better shape than me. I got tired of always seeing her ‘behind’ in front of me, so I pushed a little too hard. The second fracture happened when I ran into a dining room chair. I can’t explain it. So, I spent a total of 10 weeks in a boot.

Patty’s List of Successes:
I cleaned out all of the closets in my house. The stuff I owned was embarrassing. I hope that it landed in a happy home, especially the clothes with the tags still on them.

I continued to write a lot. You all saw my columns, but ever since the riot at the Capitol on Jan. 6, I have become a letter/Twitter writing machine. Normally, I would just call my elected officials to voice my opinion, but I never could get through. So, I wrote and e-mailed, and then I discovered Twitter. I have become the school principal: ‘Why are you sitting in the galley? Get down on the floor of the Senate and pay attention.’ Or ‘You voted against that bill; you can’t take credit for it now.’ Or ‘Great job at your Senate hearing today. You will be confirmed!’ I try not to be mean or rude. There is zero chance anyone reads my Tweets, but I feel powerful when I send them!

I read, and I read, and I read some more. I need to read four books a month for my “Hooked on Books” column. I try very hard not to give a negative review, which means I need to read at least five books. It’s a lot of books! I am glad I have Kindle Unlimited; sometimes authors will send me their books to review, and there are a few websites that let me download books before they go to print. But books are my addiction, so it has to be fed.

I am keeping my fingers crossed that by the time you read this, you have a shot in your arm. But continue to wear a mask, wash your hands and social distance. Peace, my peeps.

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