
Reaching Out: Kerry Morgan

helping hand-me-downs
To enhance the quality of life for children and families in the St. Louis area by meeting their immediate needs and connecting them with life-changing resources that foster independence

How long have you been a volunteer?
Six years

What interested you in this particular cause?
I was leading a volunteer team through The Crossing church, and I met Helping Hand-Me-Downs founder Stephanie Williamson. I told her if she had any tasks she needed help with to give me a call. She took me up on it, and that started the partnership. I’ve been working with the organization ever since.

What kind of volunteer work are you involved with?
When people donate items, the smaller ones can be picked up directly by families who need them at different locations around the city. I pick up large items that need to be delivered like beds, kitchen tables and other furniture. A lot of the time, we are working with single parents who are in stressful situations. Social services agencies may have lined them up with a safe place to live, but they don’t have any furniture. My colleagues and I make sure they get what they need. The thing I enjoy most is getting to meet the people we serve. I get to tell those who donate items the story behind where the furniture is going and who they’re helping. The people who receive items are always very grateful, and I get to see the difference being made. A family might be sleeping on a mattress on the ground, and I deliver them a bed frame or a crib. It’s heartwarming for me. I believe that our purpose in this world is to help others, and this work reaffirms that.

If you could do anything for the organization, what would it be?
I think the biggest thing I would like to see is increased awareness. Many of the items that you may be thinking about throwing out are needed by others. I would like to link more people with Helping Hand-Me-Downs and open their eyes to what it is doing. There are a number of grassroots organizations that are doing great work around the city, but they go unnoticed. I would encourage anyone who is not currently involved to consider volunteering with one. They really are on the front edge of assisting people around the city.

In the words of Helping Hand-Me-Downs:
“Kerry was one of our very first volunteers. He selflessly cares for the families we serve and rallies his friends to assist with deliveries. The way he wraps the entire community into the service model is truly making St. Louis a better place for everyone.”

Strauss Peyton Photography is a proud sponsor of the T&S Reaching Out Awards.

Know a standout volunteer? Nominate them to be featured at or email for more information. 

Photo: Colin Miller of Strauss Peyton Photography

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