
Homework: Something’s Missing

Dear Homework: We have just finished installing a concrete terrace with a fire pit outside our dining room window. We added various plantings at its edge, but the overall effect is underwhelming and stark. Suggest something … anything!
—Something’s Missing

Dear Something’s Missing,
I would say the main problem here is that you just stopped too soon: You neglected to accessorize!

First, let’s look at the overall arrangement of things. You have neighboring houses off to the sides, which compromises your privacy. Yet you have a long, straight-ahead view that is worth highlighting. I would re-center the modular fire pit to align with the long view and remove the neighboring houses from view with a tall evergreen hedge.

Having created an instant ‘outdoor room,’ I suggest accentuating the view axis with a new fountain framed by mandevilla plants, which will climb beautifully up trellises.

Now that the architecture of the space is corrected, we need to furnish it with comfortable and useful arrangements that will be both inviting and fill up all that bare concrete. A conversation grouping around the fire pit and an umbrella dining area will do the trick. Big pots filled with flowers and potted palms complete the accessorizing. I would include some romantic landscape lighting to extend the terrace’s usefulness well into the evening.

Hope that helps,

Homework is penned by Paul Doerner, Founding Partner of the Lawrence Group. If you would like your home critiqued, contact us at

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