
Spotlight: Nouveau

Before opening Nouveau, A Boutique Medspa in Kirkwood two years ago, owner Carol Anderson worked for more than 30 years as a registered nurse. Ten of those were spent in aesthetic medicine under the direction of a plastic surgeon, during which time she was fully trained on laser and injectible skin treatments. Four years ago, she became the first registered nurse in Missouri to become a Certified Aesthetic Nurse Specialist (CANS).

While her experience is vast, she and her highly skilled team at Nouveau practice regenerative skin care, using tools and techniques that encourage the body to regenerate and restore itself as a primary source of enhancement. “The skin is the storyteller of what is going on in the body,” Anderson says. “Your face is your calling card. It’s out there all of the time.”

Nouveau focuses on what Anderson refers to as “inside out beauty.” When patients arrive for an initial consultation, a CANS specialist assesses the condition of their skin, as well as other factors such as hormones, sleep, hydration, diet and exercise habits for a more holistic view of health. External factors, like how a patient is protecting his or her skin from the environment, also are considered.

“This has been a year of harsh weather,” Anderson says. “It was severely cold, we had a crazy spring that was cold and wet, and then it quickly got very hot. That’s really hard on people’s bodies and their skin.”

One of the most popular procedures Nouveau offers is Forever Young BBL photorejuvenation. This broadband light treatment has been used for years to treat both red and brown skin pigmentation. About six years ago, physicians noticed that people who received these treatments also saw better overall skin condition. A study showed that BBL treatment causes the cells to produce more fibrin, collagen and elastin—all of which make skin appear more youthful.

“It actually turns the clock back,” Anderson says. “It’s one of our favorite treatments because once patients are rid of their hyperpigmentation or broken capillaries, their skin looks better immediately. There is little to no downtime.” Anderson notes that it’s important to set up a long-term skin treatment plan that includes multiple modalities to address different issues or one issue from several angles, as well as one that gets people in the habit of proper at-home skin care. “It’s almost never just one or two treatments to correct a lifetime of damage,” she says. “We have to put together a plan to undo it over time.”

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