
Spotlight: PALM Health

state-of-the-art integrative wellness center

In the heart of Ladue is a place unlike any other in the St. Louis area—a state-of-the-art facility known as PALM Health. It features a peaceful, inviting spa atmosphere where a team of highly knowledgeable and caring providers, comprehensive resources, and premium hospitality and concierge services all come together to offer an oasis of well-being. PALM Health, which stands for Personalized, Advanced, Lifestyle Medicine, is a concierge integrative medicine and wellness center offering a complete range of medical, preventive care, mental health, fitness, nutrition and spa services designed to improve its members’ overall health and wellness.

Dr. Lauren Munsch Dal Farra

“I recognized early in my medical training that doctors were not taking the time to get to the root cause of a patient’s illness, and patients would continue to come back with readmission for the same diagnosis,” says Dr. Lauren Munsch Dal Farra, cardiologist, CEO and co-founder of PALM Health. “I knew that a shift in mindset was needed in both prevention and treatment. I wanted to put the focus on a mind, body, spirit approach that integrated the best of conventional medicine with lifestyle services and wellness resources to help people reach total well-being.”

PALM Health’s medical doctors and experienced staff include a number of certified physicians and mental health professionals in the specialties of general primary care, family medicine, heart health, neurology, rheumatology, psychiatry, and physical medicine and rehabilitation, as well as chiropractic care. PALM also offers in-house nutritionists, fitness instructors, massage therapists and acupuncturists, and a luxurious spa, fitness center and healthy café.

“We address patients with a comprehensive range of illnesses, but we frequently see people with allergies, asthma, arthritis, chronic fatigue and depression, chronic and acute pain, neurological disorders, memory loss, weight issues, and digestive disorders,” Munsch Dal Farra says. “We also focus on heart health, women’s health issues and cancer support. And many others benefit from PALM services, including those who just want to have a more holistic approach to their health, wellness and preventative care.”

In addition to its full range of care and services, PALM Health offers three intensive, eight-week specialty programs: weight loss, stress management and inflammation resolution that many people with digestive disorders, arthritis, allergies, asthma and even heart disease go through. More long-term cancer support also is available, along with brain health and heart health programs.

“Typically, one in every two Americans has at least one chronic illness, but most people come with a cluster of different issues, so we really focus on each person’s total health and wellness,” Munsch Dal Farra says. “We start with a complete assessment and based on that, we create a wellness plan that fits their lifestyle, or we may recommend participation in one of our intensive programs or a custom program.”

PALM Health’s unique facility was designed to create a stress-free environment and a culture of community that exudes warmth and sets the healing process in motion. “In creating PALM, I wanted to make a healthy lifestyle accessible for people in their daily lives and community,” Munsch Dal Farra says. “They don’t have to go to a destination resort to get high-quality food, a fitness consultation, spa services and other preventative care, as well as medical treatment. PALM brings together all of these components to address the fragmented care that currently exists and makes it convenient, easy and sustainable.”

9160 clayton road | 314.801.8898 |

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