
Student Standouts: 10.4.23

Justin Bishop of MICDS

The future is bright for Justin Bishop. The freshman at MICDS was recognized by Project Missouri Lacrosse’s partnership with The Circuit, powered by Nike, as the top midfielder in the country for his class, and he won the National Man of the Year award. He’s also been named a 2027 All-American, ranking him among some of the best lacrosse players in the country. T&S caught up with the student-athlete to see what keeps him motivated on and off the field.

What made you interested in playing lacrosse?
I originally just played football. When I was around 10, my friend Tyler introduced me to lacrosse. I started to play, and over the years, my interest in the game grew.

Do you have a favorite thing about playing?
I really like that you get multiple things out of playing lacrosse. It’s a little like playing soccer, basketball and football all at once—everything is mixed together. It trains you better for whatever other sport you play. For me, that’s football. Lacrosse helps with the cutting and hitting that comes with contact sports. Really, they both piggyback off of each other. Football season prepares me for lacrosse season, and vice versa.

How does it feel to already have been recognized as a player?
It felt really good. The All-American and Man of the Year Award were picked by coaches, so it means a lot. It wouldn’t have happened if my coaches hadn’t put me in a great position to succeed. My head coach really taught me that it’s about how the team supports each other. It helped me develop the mindset that it’s not just one, it’s all. I may be receiving individual recognition, but my success is as part of a team. We all help each other.

Are there challenges to balancing football and lacrosse?
During the summer is when I’m focused on lacrosse and traveling for tournaments. Since I’m not at the level of recruiting yet, playing both has been pretty easy. Going into high school, that balance is going to be a little trickier.

Is there anything you’re looking forward to this school year?
My favorite subject is history, so I’m looking forward to learning more about it. Other than that, I’m just want to maintain good grades and stay in a good position with sports. I also want to make sure I have time to still just be a kid and enjoy my day-to-day life.

What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
Most of the time, I like just hanging out with my friends. I enjoy anything that gets me outside. That’s what makes me happy and allows me to decompress.

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