
Student Standouts: 10.5.22

Ava Yu of Nerinx Hall

Making the transition to high school can be a big challenge, but it’s one Ava Yu has been happy to tackle. During her freshman year at Nerinx Hall, she took on student council, theater and mock trial. Now a sophomore, she’s even more dedicated to making the most of her high school experience.

Where did your interest in theater come from?
I started when I was in sixth grade. Two of my closest friends were a part of the Lindbergh School District musical. I wanted to be involved, so I signed up for a stage managing position. That was a pretty crazy production. Kids from all over the district were involved—from preschool to high school. I’ve always been a very organized person, so it was nice to put my energy into the technical side of the show.

Do you have any favorite productions?
Last year, I stage managed my school’s fall musical, You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown. I think I may have been the first freshman to manage a show. It was a bit of a struggle at first since I had only been at Nerinx for a couple months, but there were some great upperclassmen that showed me the ropes. That was one of my favorite productions. I was sad to see that show close. This fall, I’m the assistant stage manager for The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee. It’s a fun show, and I’m looking forward to all the freshmen who will be joining our little theater community.

Why did you decide to get involved with student government?
Nerinx really believes in pushing students to take on leadership positions. Some older friends recommended I go out for student council because it would be a good opportunity, and even if I didn’t win, campaigning would be fun. I chose to try for treasurer, and my mom, aunt and I worked on creating posters and buttons that I passed out at school. If you had told middle school me that I would run for student council, I would have thought you were crazy. It definitely pushed me out of my comfort zone, but I got a lot of encouragement from my friends, teachers and family.

What do you enjoy most about student government?
I love brainstorming events with my fellow officers. After all the planning and email exchanges, I really do enjoy seeing my classmates enjoying something I put my time and energy into.

Are you involved in any other activities?
I’m on the mock trial team. Like most of my extracurriculars, I got involved because my upperclassman friends recommended it. I’m not involved in sports, so this is how I let out my competitive side. Alumni who are lawyers come in and coach us. I really enjoy meeting people who just a couple years ago were in the same position I am.

What do you enjoy most about Nerinx?
I never imagined myself going to all-girls private school, but Nerinx has become like a second home. I’ve met so many great people, and I love its mission to empower young women. I spend a lot of time at school since I go in early for mock trial practice and stay late for rehearsals, but I love high school so far.

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