
Take Control: Adult Acne

Some things should be left to adolescents: curfews, crazy hormones and, of course, acne. But for many men and women, acne can creep up well into adulthood thanks to a variety of triggers like stress, changing hormone levels and sugar intake. Whatever the reason, here are a few new (and old) methods for treating it.

oldie but a goodie
Before rushing out to buy the latest miracle in a bottle, check out tried and true Noxzema. The drugstore staple has been around for the better part of a century, and for good reason. Ingredients like eucalyptus, camphor and menthol help decrease inflammation, improve blood flow and cleanse pores. While it may not be a heavy-duty remedy (there’s no salicylic acid), for those dealing with minor pimple pop-ups, the little blue jar can go a long way.
$4 at local drugstores




Not to get all ‘science-y,’ but studies have shown that people with acne tend to have lower antioxidant levels. The best way to fix that? Change what you put in your body rather than what you put on it. Antioxidants reduce inflammation substantially in acne patients, and Derma Drink uses vitamins A and E, zinc, copper and selenium to fight moderate to severe acne. Results can be visible in less than 24 hours.
$26.95/eight-pack at




custom treatment
For those who need a serious solution to their adult acne, Curology is revered as a skin-saver. Customers begin the multistep process of treating their skin by filling out a questionnaire and chatting online with a dermatologist before receiving a customized treatment plan that could include anything from spot treatments to all-over breakout remedies.
$19.95/month at





unmasking the problem
With Origins Out of Trouble 10 Minute Mask to Rescue Problem Skin, the name says it all. In just 10 minutes, the face mask eliminates dead skin and excess oil thanks to active ingredients like zinc oxide, camphor and sulphur. It also works to prevent future breakouts, so it’s smart to make it part of your weekly routine.
$26 at





lights on
Neutrogena Light Therapy Acne Spot Treatment is the closest you’ll get to spa light therapy without leaving home. The portable wand uses red and blue light technology to immediately zap bacteria and reduce inflammation. Just 2 minutes with this little wand, and your zits will disappear at the speed of light!
$26.99 at







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