
The Great Life: The Gatesworth

Seniors transitioning from a house to a retirement community wonder: Will I feel comfortable? Will I lose my independence? Will I make friends? Residents of The Gatesworth, however, will tell you not to worry. The community offers the comforts of home without the hassle, and amenities like an award-winning chef, limo service and a full calendar of social events that increase, not decrease, their independence. Don Goldblum moved there from his condo five months ago and says it was one of the best decisions he’s ever made.

T&S: What prompted you to move?
DG: Last winter with the terrible ice storms, I was stuck in my condo trying to amuse myself. I realized something needed to change. Here, the socialization is wonderful.

T&S: How did The Gatesworth help with the moving process?
DG: A moving adviser worked directly with the movers, made sure everything would fit and helped set up my apartment.

T&S: What other amenities have you appreciated?
DG: Instead of eating peanut butter and crackers, I can go down and have a good meal in the dining room. I love the complimentary valet parking and the limo service that will take me wherever I need to go. Maintenance arrives immediately if there is an issue. I’ve definitely gotten spoiled. Another resident, Ruth Schwartz, has called The Gatesworth home for five years.

T&S: Do you feel a greater sense of independence at The Gatesworth?
RS: Definitely. I used to sing in the chorus before moving and had to stop because I couldn’t walk the steps to the platforms. There is a chorus group here, and I’m so lucky I can follow one of my interests again. My social life is flourishing, and it’s really a healthy atmosphere.

T&S: What other amenities make life more convenient now?
RS: If my sink gets stopped up—even on a weekend—or I need computer assistance, someone will come right away. It’s a wonderful sense of security that all my needs can be met with a phone call to the front desk.

T&S: Do you find it easier to get out and do things now?
RS: Whenever I want to go somewhere, a staff member delivers my car to the front door and parks it when I return. And the limo service takes us to a schedule of places throughout the month, like the history museum or the symphony. So I can still be involved in the community and not feel cut off in any way.

Pictured: Ruth Schwartz and Don Goldblum
Photo: Tim Parker Photography

[The Gatesworth, located at 1 McKnight Place, offers residents numerous amenities to maintain a worry-free, independent lifestyle, including a limo service, complimentary valet parking, food from an award-winning chef and a full calendar of social activities. For more information, call 314.993.0111 or visit]

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