[What] The Synapsory, Brunch and Fashion Show. [Where] Hilton Frontenac. [Why] The Synapsory specializes in assisting churches and community groups to develop sensory room calming kits, carts and training that provide rest, regulation, and renewal for specific needs families. [Who] Founders Tom and Terrie Desloge, Event Co-Chairs Kate Stratton and Paula Coughlin. [Highlights] Brunch, fashion show.
Kate Stratton, Paula Coughlin, Terrie Desloge
Colleen Fornan, Margaret Dorsey, Patty Mallot, Molly Dorsey
Donna Walker, Emily Seabaugh, Connie Gonzalez
Abby Townsend, Abigail Dalson, Kelsey Marcks, Kate Durfee
Terrie and Tom Desloge, Mary Rose Desloge
Mykala Niemczyk, Daniela Hurtado, Zoe Picker, Haley Dulohery
Lisa Parres, Angie Walsh, Kathy Muschick, Sheri Carrow
Stephanie Paris, Olivia Hillis, Abby Connors
Stacy Gillen, Julia Drummond, Heather Kuczewski, Dee Green
Lisa Parres, Angie Walsh, Terrie Desloge, Sheri Carrow, Kathy Muschick
Claudia Benbow, Pattie Vespereny
1Lisa Vollmayer, Jerri Visintine, Priscilla Visintine
Laura Teague, Donna Griffin
Terrie Desloge, Sgt. George Corless
Jill Rawlings, Darlene Breitigan
Tom and Terrie Desloge
Toni and Patrick Fuller
Debbie Armbrugfter, Patty Follmer
Annie and Leila Arehart, Ainsley and Alicia Cross
Emma Jones, Emily Roy
Ken and Jane Hill
Meagan Gercher, Staci Gercher
Laurie Runge, Cindy Timpone
Claire and Diane Reichardt
Mary Otto, Stacy Washington, Deb Matush
Deb Matush, Lisa Woods
Donna LeMoine, Sandra Hon
Debbie Sellmeyer, Joyce Maslo
Kelly and Louis Rybacki
Cathy Todd, Donna Shelton, Teresa Jones
Lisa Nichols, Tom Desloge
Brandon and Maliyah McCrary