Q: I manage a diverse staff and have always been proud of their teamwork. However, lately our office has experienced a dramatic sea change, and employees have become divisive and, at times, downright uncivil. Their ability to work as a team is on shaky ground, and I am not sure how to get them back on a level playing field. Any advice?
A: Workplace civility is key to a healthy office environment. It requires treating others with dignity, showing appreciation for their contributions, and refraining from rude or aggressive behavior to create a workplace where everyone can thrive regardless of their perspectives or backgrounds.
That said, not knowing the nature of the divisiveness at your office, here are some thoughts which may help get your team back on track:
Determine the Root Cause: First, you need to get to the root of what is causing your staff’s divisiveness. Consider scheduling one-on-one meetings with your managerial and administrative teams to ensure you get input on every level. A group meeting may preclude some from speaking freely. Individual conversations might also provide an opportunity to turn down the noise and adjust the volume to discuss office etiquette expectations and consequences for inappropriate or disrespectful behavior.
Other Possible Causes: If the one-on-one meetings aren’t resulting in the answers you need to assess the cause of your team’s disruptive behavior, you may need to look to yourself and possibly the C-Suite. Have you given your team enough information and resources to do their job? Are their work contributions being acknowledged and recognized? Are there possible changes in the company’s direction prompting concerns for job security? Regardless, it may be time for a more in-depth discussion to course correct.
Reset and Rally Your Purpose: An off-site retreat might provide a way to reunite and reignite your team to get back on course. If your budget permits, work with a professional facilitator to develop an agenda to address possible employee concerns, provide strategies to work as a team, and clarify the firm’s mission, vision and goals—consider incorporating a creative team-building exercise to spark some fun, reconnect the team and help rebuild trust. When returning to the office, you need to set the example and continue to frequently interact with team members to encourage and reinforce the collaboration that once made you proud. T-E-A-M means Together Everyone Achieves More.
A Holiday Message for the New Year: Make it the most wonderful time of the year with your family, friends and associates and resolve to practice and share kindness and have one another’s backs to build a foundation for relationships that will last a lifetime. Happy holidays to all and all good wishes for a successful new year.
Joan Lee Berkman is a marketing and public relations consultant. if you have a question for Joan, send it to business@townandstyle.com.