
T&S Tried It: Microneedling

I have been pretty aggressive in trying to treat the effects of aging on my face. Let’s be honest: There is not a filler, laser, peel or cream that I haven’t or won’t try. But something I have neglected, in my fixation on facial fine wrinkles and sun spots, is my chest (called the décolletage in polite circles).

I heard about a new microneedler at St. Louis Skin Solutions called Infini by Lutronic that was created to smooth wrinkles and improve aging and sagging skin. The benefit is minimal down time, just a day or two of redness. Imagine, no need to hide in the house so you don’t scare the little kids!

Let me try to explain in laymen’s terms how it works. Through a tip that contains microneedles, high-intensity, radio-focused frequency is delivered into your skin. The tip or wand is passed over your face twice, at two different depths, so the radio frequency is delivered into different layers of dermis. This puncturing causes the skin to heal by producing collagen, which results in diminished wrinkles and tighter skin.

So let’s talk about the procedure. I had both my face and chest, I mean décolletage, treated. Before you start the procedure, numbing cream is smothered over the area to be treated. That’s a good thing, since this is not something you want to do without being numb. You can still feel the needles, but it’s more like pin pricks. Amanda, the aesthetician who handled the wand, was quick and swift in her movements so by the time I was saying ‘ouch’ she had moved on to the next area. The whole process took about an hour. The only time I really wanted to punch her was when she was microneedling around my lips.

Now let’s talk about the results. Can I say I am nearly wrinkle-free on my décolletage? It no longer looks like it belongs to a woman of 56 but to a woman of 40 who actually applies sunscreen! The deep creases no longer exist, and yes, I still have a few age spots, but I think of them as cute little freckles instead. (It’s all in the marketing.) The difference in my face is subtler. As many of you know, I have always been a fan of Botox and fillers, so I’ve been able to manage those fine lines and wrinkles. But the ones that continue to confound me are around my lips: I cannot stand how quickly they add on the years, or that my lipstick feathers into the lines. I was hopeful this treatment would result in their elimination. While the lines are not gone, they are certainly softened, and I’m hopeful that with one more treatment, I might have the look I want.

Conclusion: Even though this procedure was higher on the pain scale than the others I’ve tried, I loved the minimal down time and the results, which make me want to try it one more time!

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