
Veiled Prophet Ball 2014

The Queen’s Supper, held Dec. 20 at the Hyatt Regency Saint Louis at the Arch, was a joyful occasion for the friends and families of the 70 young women of the Court of Love and Beauty. In this, the 130th Veiled Prophet Ball, the following were named Queen Merrill Clark Hermann’s Special Maids: Miss Katherine Sherman Bush, Miss Caroline Baumstark Behan, Miss Carlota Clark Johnson, Miss Sally Spoehrer Lemkemeier, Miss Kimball Hunter Schlafly, and Miss Abigail Church Brennan.

VP Queen: Merrill Clark Hermann
A graduate of MICDS, Merrill studies business at the University of Virginia. She is a member of the National Society of Collegiate Scholars and is on the Dean’s List. Merrill was captain of the varsity tennis and squash teams and received the coach’s award in squash. She is co-founder of the St. Louis Children’s Hospital Youth Board and volunteered with Food Outreach, Operation Brightside and Harbor Point Day Camp. Merrill is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Hermann Jr. of Ladue and the sister of Bobby Hermann and former special maid Mrs. Charles D. Hermann Petersen.

Sixth Special Maid: Katherine Sherman Bush6th Special MaidKatherine graduated from MICDS and attends the University of Southern California as a theater major.
The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Prescott Bush of Clayton, Katherine was active in high school theater, where she earned several awards of distinction. She participated in the VP community service initiative with her father and worked as production assistant for the MUNY. Katherine is the sister of Alexander Prescott Bush.

Fifth Special Maid: Caroline Baumstark BehanA graduate of Villa Duchesne, Caroline attends Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, where she studies media and culture. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Behan Jr. of Ladue and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Stivers of Ladue. Caroline volunteered at Shriner’s Hospital and Rainbow Village and served as a counselor at Burr Oak Camp. She is the sister of Foster, Brooke and PJ, and the granddaughter of 1964 VP Queen Alice B. Condie.

Fourth Special Maid: Carlota Clark JohnsonCarlota attended John Burroughs School and is currently a marketing and communications major at the University of Richmond. She is on the Deans List and serves as a university tour guide and orientation adviser. Carlota volunteered in the English as a Second Language tutor and is a member of the Greeks Going Green environmental group at school. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Lee Johnson III of Ladue and the sister of Eliza and James.

Third Special Maid: Sally Spoehrer LemkemeierA graduate of John Burroughs School, Sally studies computer science at Princeton University. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Lemkemeier of St. Louis, she directed Arch City Theater Troupe for three years, working with youngsters to perform an annual show to benefit JDRF. Sally is the daughter and granddaughter of former VP Special Maids Mary Hermann Lemkemeier and Sally S. Lemkemeier, respectively and the sister of James and Charles.

Second Special Maid: Kimball Hunter SchlaflyKimball graduated from Villa Duchesne and is a French major at Georgetown University, where she is on the academic honors list and the varsity sailing team. She has received the AP Scholar with Distinction award and the Alliance Francaise Essay Award, and was named a Missouri Bright Flight Scholar. Kimball volunteered for a service trip to Israel and helped build a home in New Orleans. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Kimball Schlafly of Ladue and the younger sister of Madeline and August.

First Special Maid: Abigail Church BrennanA graduate of Villa Duchesne, Abigail studies kinesiology at De Pauw University. The daughter and sister of former VP Queens Eleanor Brennan and Eleanor Clark, respectively, she participates in philanthropy through her sorority and serves as a college mentor. Abigail also has another sister, Maria.

To view additional photos of the Queen’s Court, click here.
To view photos of the additional Maids presented at the ball, click here.

Additional Maids presented at the ball:
>> Miss Anjolaoluwa Olalonpe Akande, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Akande, escorted by Michael E. Thaman
>> Miss Sarah Gavin Ashmore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Craig W. Ashmore, escorted by Thomas M. Boldt
>> Miss Meredith Hickman Carruthers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Dennis Carruthers, escorted by McPherson D. Moore
>> Miss Emily Marie Cataldi, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Craig M. Cataldi, escorted by George H. Krieger
>> Miss Annabelle Highers Cella, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John G. Cella and Ms. Kimberly Highers Cella, escorted by Louis A. Cella
>> Miss Riann McMillen Colbert, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Scott M. Colbert, escorted by Robert E. Shively
>> Miss Morgan Witherspoon Cook, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bryan Cook, escorted by Frederick J. Oertli
>> Miss Colleen Nicole Crutsinger, daughter of Mr. Robert Hopkins Crutsinger, escorted by Robert K. Crutsinger
>> Miss Natalie Elizabeth D’Alessandro, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Beatty D’Alessandro, escorted by Gregory M. Gantz
>> Miss Margaret Marion Dankmyer, daughter of Mr. David S. Dankmyer and Ms. Concetta Ahrens, escorted by Dr. Lawrence G. Lenke
>> Miss Meredith Halstead Dorr, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Christopher P. Dorr, escorted by Philip G. Chamberlain
>> Miss Margaret McCaig Dove, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas S. Dove, escorted by Timothy F. Hanser
>> Miss Katherine Marie Fox, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Fox, escorted by Gregory A. Fox
>> Miss Alexis Leigh Franc, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Terrance Scott Franc, escorted by Kristopher G. Kosup
>> Miss Catherine Clare Freeman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry William Freeman, escorted by Michael Bell
>> Miss Katherine Quernheim Fuszner, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Charles D. Fuszner, escorted by Dr. Edward J. Shaheen Jr.
>> Miss Corinne McAuliffe Geekie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Matthew W. Geekie, escorted by Winthrop B. Reed III
>> Miss Caterina Gleijeses, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mario Gleijeses, escorted by Jean-Paul Montupet
>> Miss Gabrielle Louise Harris, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene W. Harris and Ms. Deborah B. Harris, escorted by Timothy Sant
>> Miss Taylor Rae Haupt, daughter of Mrs. Melissa L. Haupt and the late Dr. Herbert A. Haupt, escorted by William H. Macon Jr.
>> Miss Carolyn Rose Heger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David J. Heger, escorted by Matthew J. Reh
>> Miss Mary Katherine Hoerr, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walker H. Hoerr, escorted by Eric Craig Stone
>> Miss Leeanne Kelly Hurster, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Steven L. Hurster, escorted by John M. Howell Jr.
>> Miss Courtney Dahlen Ittner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Curtis Ittner Jr. and Ms. Susan Shepherd Ittner, escorted by Joseph F. Imbs III
>> Miss Hannah Jane Kloppenburg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray D. Kloppenburg, escorted by Frans J. von Kaenel
>> Miss Ellen Margaret Komlos, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Komlos, escorted by Timothy K. Reeves
>> Miss Megan Elizabeth Krippene, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Krippene, escorted by Thomas J. White
>> Miss Allison Leigh Mather, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Mather, escorted by Frederick R. Kostecki
>> Miss Elizabeth Wood McKown, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James McKown, escorted by Allan D. Ivie IV
>> Miss Caroline Vinette Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Miller, escorted by Walter C. Reisinger Jr.
>> Miss Elise Milliken Moore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gillespie Moore, escorted by Terence M. Baer
>> Miss Kathryn Hofland Morey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Morey, escorted by W. Bevis Schock
>> Miss Katherine Elizabeth Myers, daughter of Mr. R. Gordon Myers and Mrs. Karen D. Myers, escorted by Maurice E. Quiroga
>> Miss Isabelle Dornin Nelson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hyde Nelson, escorted by Addison B. Thomas
>> Miss Anne Donnelly Niemann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence V. Niemann Jr., escorted by Andrew R. Spann
>> Miss Annalies Desloge Oertli, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Oertli, escorted by S. Bryan Cook
>> Miss Margaret Griffith Petersen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Briede Petersen and Ms. Mary Wuertenbaecher Petersen, escorted by Raymond W. Peters II
>> Miss Katherine Elizabeth Pope, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Pope, escorted by John F. Donnell
>> Miss Gabrielle Marie Rhomberg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gregory R. Rhomberg, escorted by Roger E. Cammon
>> Miss Meredith Bowline Rieser, daughter of Mr. J. David Rieser Jr. and Ms. Susan Fay Dunsmore, escorted by Robert J. Westrich Jr.
>> Miss Michaela Marie Riley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James M. Riley, escorted by Edward J. Griesedieck III
>> Miss Caroline Rose Roberts, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Devereux Roberts, escorted by Richard D. Roberts
>> Miss Patricia Lee Ross, daughter of Mrs. Lee Ross and the late Mr. W. Michael Ross, escorted by Don C. Musick III
>> Miss Christina Adams Rouse, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Rouse, escorted by John Scott Rouse
>> Miss Sydney Nicole Sabino, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David F. Sabino, escorted by Kishen M. Mahendra
>> Miss Barbara Elisabeth Jane Samuel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Robb Samuel Jr., escorted by Christopher J. Canepa
>> Miss Sophia Kathryn Sansone, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James G. Sansone, escorted by Nicholas G. Sansone
>> Miss Sydney Marie Saunders, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Scott Douglas Saunders, escorted by R. Clark Amos
>> Miss Madeline McBride Scott, daughter of Mr. and Dr. James McAfee Scott, escorted by Spencer B. Burke
>> Miss Cara Elizabeth Scozzafava, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Scozzafava, escorted by Patrick J. Murphy Jr.
>> Miss Irene Elizabeth Shepley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Shepley, escorted by L. Shepley Hermann
>> Miss Katherine Lehr Sky, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Adam J. Sky, escorted by David S. Sherman III
>> Miss Brianna Jo Souers, daughter of Mr. James G. Souers and Ms. Brenda Kay Davidsmeier-Souers, escorted by Bryan Malzahn
>> Miss Paige Decker Spence, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Rutlege Spence, escorted by William D. Rowe
>> Miss Peyton Boland Spooner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack B. Spooner, escorted by Daniel T. Cribben
>> Miss Kaitlin Marie Springer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William A. Springer Jr., escorted by Patrick J. McCarthy
>> Miss Elizabeth Christine St. John, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Brent St. John, escorted by Peter S. Frane
>> Miss Marissa Lynn Stegmann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Stegmann, escorted by John Glickert
>> Miss Perry Danforth Stewart, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Stewart, escorted by David J. Mishler
>> Miss Samantha Elder Trovillion, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh A. Trovillion, escorted by John L. Stapleton
>> Miss Mary Ruth Wagner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond T Wagner Jr., escorted by Al Koller III
>> Miss Lindsey Ann Whitehead, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Whitehead, escorted by E.W. Gentry Sayad
>> Miss Jessica Ann Wotruba, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James J. Wotruba, escorted by Robert S. Wachter

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