
What’s in Your Attic?

the treasure
Roulette gaming wheel

the story
If this roulette wheel could talk! It was front and center at my parents’ weekend dinner parties when my dad wasn’t on call (he was a neurologist). I imagined it endured its fair share of martini splashes. I’m sentimental and keep everything cool from my parents and grandparents. We now have it in our family room, which brings me great joy.

what the professionals say
This is an original roulette wheel-type game manufactured by The All-In-One Company right here in St. Louis in the 1920s or ’30s. The 13 1/2-inch ‘all-in-one’ wheel is designed to play horse races, poker, chuck, hylo and many other games. Though the piece is missing parts of the original set, a savvy bar games collector wouldn’t be able to pass up a chance at owning something rarely seen since the Roaring ‘20s.

the value

this month’s expert | Deb Williams of Charterhouse

Have a treasure in your attic you’d like evaluated? Contact so we can connect you with an appraiser and feature your item in Town&Style!

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