
What’s in Your Attic?

the treasure
A pair of antique saddle birthing chairs (one is pictured)

the story
I bought these saddle chairs for $10 at Selkirk in 1998. I was told that back in the day, they were birthing chairs. I love them because they go perfectly in our wanna-be Ralph Lauren/Hermès family room.

what the professionals say
Birthing chairs have
been around for more than 3,000 years. While these two do not come from ancient Egypt, they still hearken back to a time when a trip to the hospital might have been more than a new mom could undertake. Some industrious craftsman made them out of wood and a pair of saddles quite a long time ago.

the value
$200-$400 at auction

This month’s expert | Deb Williams of Charterhouse

Have a treasure in your attic you’d like evaluated? Contact so we can connect you with an appraiser and feature your item in Town&Style!

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