
A New View of You

Each year, it seems like the calendar pages flip by even more quickly, especially in terms of how we age. Although we can’t completely reverse the effects of Father Time, we can throw a few obstacles in his way. T&S has collected some interesting ideas to update your beauty and fitness regimen for 2019 and help keep the years at bay.

cosmetic and surgical procedures
>> lipolysis. The word ‘lipolysis’ means the breakdown or breaking open of fat cells for removal. It can be done in a few different ways that are nonsurgical and don’t involve much downtime. Treatments can be used for areas like a double chin and stubborn fat bulges that don’t respond to diet and exercise.
>> cryolipolysis (e.g., CoolSculpting).  Cold temperatures break down fat cells.
>> injection lipolysis (e.g., Kybella).  Injectable deoxycholic acid gets rid of fat cells.
>> radiofrequency lipolysis (e.g., Vanquish). Radiofrequency energy heats and destroys fat using an applicator.
>> laser lipolysis (e.g., SculpSure). Laser energy heats and destroys fat using an applicator.
>> liposuction. Lipo continues to be one of the most requested procedures in the U.S., especially with recent advancements in technology. The treatment is a permanent fat loss solution, and it generally involves rupturing fat cells under the skin and suctioning them out through a thin tube. Practitioners at West County Plastic Surgeons of Washington University often perform the procedure in places like the abdomen and thighs, and it can remove 70 to 80 percent of fat cells in a particular area.
Sources: American Society of Plastic Surgeons, Washington University Physicians Breast Procedures

breast procedures
A woman’s breast tissue doesn’t always play by the rules; her breasts may be uneven in size or much larger or smaller than she would like. Furthermore, aging or weight loss may cause the tissue and skin to sag or appear loose. Practices like SLUCare Plastic Surgery offer modern methods to improve breast shape, including saline and silicone implants and fat grafting techniques.

Those who want to reduce the size of their breasts have options, too. Reduction surgery can alleviate the pain and discomfort women with very large breasts often experience. Men who suffer from gynecomastia (excess breast tissue) can benefit from surgery as well.

A breast lift can help improve shape and appearance. Also known as mastopexy, the technique improves the appearance of sagging tissue by lifting the nipples and reshaping the breasts. It doesn’t change the volume of tissue, but it may be used in combination with other procedures to achieve a more youthful look.

did you know?
Breast augmentation is the most common type of cosmetic surgery done in the U.S.
#1: breast augmentation: More than 300,000 procedures performed each year
#2: liposuction: About 250,000 procedures per year
#3: nose reshaping: About 220,000 procedures per year
Source: American Society of Plastic Surgeons

what’s the difference?
>> Breast augmentation adds saline- or silicone gel-filled implants to create a fuller, more proportioned look.
>> Breast reduction removes excess tissue, reduces the size and heaviness of breasts and centers them on the chest
for a more natural appearance.
>> A breast lift does not change the overall volume of breast tissue; it repositions the nipples, removes excess skin and creates a more youthful look.

fitness tech
Looking to reach a new level of physical vitality in the new year? Becoming truly fit is not for the faint of heart, but the good news is, there’s always evolving technology to make it easier—and more fun! In 2019, you’ll be able to use artificial intelligence (AI), virtual reality, smart gear and other tech developments to sweat it out more effectively.

Companies like and Spire Health Tag are making it possible to track your pool time and distance by means of a slim tag embedded in your swimsuit. The tracker syncs with the app to let you see how you’re doing in the water. Suunto makes watches that create a workout schedule, suggest an appropriate length and level of exercise, and monitor your heart rate and number of steps. Soul Electronics earbuds measure your speed, distance, steps and more, then use a real-time AI coach to suggest what you need to change. And virtual reality gyms can turn a workout into a fun, competitive video game.

And if you belong to The J (Jewish Community Center), you can take advantage of MyZone, a fitness tracker that helps you exercise more effectively in less time. The wearable monitor keeps track of information like your heart rate and calories burned, stores exercise data, and syncs with your phone using Bluetooth technology.
Sources: Self, Jewish Community Center

the science of beauty 
>> the future you. Today, cosmetic surgeons can give patients a good idea of how their faces and bodies will change as a result of various procedures. But in the coming years, you may be able to get an even clearer picture of the outcome before you submit to the knife or needle.

Technology called 4D mapping can have applications for a wide range of procedures from facial cosmetic treatments to breast and body shaping. It updates fully dimensional images of your face and body to reveal exactly how a customized procedure will make you look.

For example, if you are having your nose reshaped or fat removed from your thighs, you’ll see a picture of yourself that morphs from a ‘before’ image to a simulated ‘after’ one. The pictures rotate for viewing from different angles. Patients even can share the images with loved ones before deciding on a final look.

>> botox redux. Changes are coming in the use of Botox injections to treat skin wrinkles as well. Makers are developing products that will last longer and require less injectable solution to achieve desired results. In the past, you may have needed retreatment every three months or so, but the next generation of products could extend that time considerably.

The treatment works by temporarily paralyzing muscles under the skin with a neurotoxin called botulinum toxin, and it’s often effective in areas like frown lines, crow’s feet and forehead wrinkles.
Sources: Mayo Clinic, Glamour

>> nonsurgical nose job.Believe it or not, it’s now possible to get a temporary rhinoplasty (nose reshaping) by injection. Some refer to the treatment as ‘liquid rhinoplasty,’ and the results can be striking—but for some, the jury is still out on whether it’s safe. The procedure involves injecting hyaluronic acid below the skin of the nose, usually along the bridge, to alter its shape. As with any procedure, it’s best performed by a highly experienced, professional practitioner.
Source: Allure

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