
Bridge with Bland: 11.2.16

Playing at matchpoints, some safety plays are ignored while others are mandatory. This month’s hand demonstrates the necessity of timely safety plays.

« The bidding

1 ♠
2 ♦
4 ♠
5 ♥


2 ♣ (Game Forcing)
2 ♠
4 NT
6 ♠


« Opening lead: ♥ 5

♠ 6 3 2
♥ A
♦ A 10 5
♣ A K Q J 5 3

♠ 8
♥ Q 10 9 5
♦ Q 9 7 3
♣ 10 8 7 4

♠ Q J 9 5
♥ J 8 7 6 4
♦ 8 2
♣ 9 6

♠ A K 10 7 4
♥ K 3 2
♦ K J 6 4
♣ 2

Comment: North, knowing their side was missing the ♠ Queen, settled for 6 ♠s.

The Play
1. West led the ♥ 5, Dummy the Ace, East the 4, and Declarer the 2.
2. The ♠ 2, 9 from East, Declarer the Ace, and West the 8.
3. Declarer then cashed the ♠ King and was greatly disappointed when West showed out.
4. The 4:1 trump break scuttled the contract.

What should have happened:
1. When playing the ♠ Ace, Declarer, noting the 9 and 8 from defenders, should have reassessed
the situation.
2. If East had the singleton 9, there was nothing Declarer could do to prevent losing two trump tricks.
3. If the 8 from West was a singleton, then Declarer could avoid losing two trump tricks via a safety
play against East.
4. So Declarer should trump a ♥ in Dummy.
5. Then Declarer leads the last trump from Dummy and when East plays low, they should play the 10!
6. When West shows out, Declarer cashes the ♠ King.
7. Using the Rule of One, Declarer leaves the high trump outstanding and runs the ♣s.
8. When East trumps in with the high trump, Declarer sluffs a losing ♦. When East returns a ♥,
Declarer wins the King.
9. A ♦ to Dummy. Contract bid and made.
Note: Declarer should have made the obvious safety play. Remember a good defender will try
to obfuscate.

Big Games & Scores
Sept. 24, Shirley and John Dicks, 72%, St. Louis Bridge Center
Oct. 2, Jane and William Herman, 70.89%, 299er Tournament
Oct. 5, Tom Engle and Peter Fuerst, 71.87%, St. Louis Bridge Center
Oct. 14, Sue Perez/Michael Pitonek, 72.22%, Bridge Haven

Tip of the Day
Q| What is the Rule of One?
A| The Rule of One: When the opponents have the one remaining high trump, it is best to ignore it and take

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