
Bridge with Bland

While playing at the ‘local dupe,’ longtime partner Dick Ford found the best line of play to ensure the all-important up-trick in this month’s hand.

Vul: Both
Dealer: South

« The bidding:

1 ♠
2 ♦


Redouble (10+points)
4 ♠


« Opening lead: 3 ♣

♠ K 10 4
♥ A 7 6 4 3
♦ 10 7 6
♣ A 2

♠ 5
♥ K 10 9 2
♦ K J 9 8
♣ K 9 5 3

♠ 9 8 7 3
♥ Q J 8 5
♦ 5 4
♣ J 10 4

♠ A Q J 6 2
♥ Void
♦ A Q 3 2
♣ Q 8 7 6

the play
1. West led the ♣ 3, 2 from Dummy, East the 10, and Ford (Declarer) the Queen.
2. Declarer took note of the good trump spots and decided a cross-ruff was in order.
3. The ♣ 6 to Dummy’s Ace.
4. The ♥ Ace, East the ♥ 5, Declarer the ♦ 2 and West the ♥ 2.
5. ♥ 3, East the 8, Declarer trumped with the ♦ 2 and West the 9.
6. Declarer cashed the ♦ Ace, West the 9, Dummy the 6 and East the 4.
7. ♣ 8, West the 9, trump 4 from Dummy and East the Jack.
8. ♥ 4, East the 8, Declarer trumps with the ♠ 6 and West the 10.
9. Declarer’s last ♣ is led, West the King, trumped in Dummy with the ♠ 10 and East the ♥ Queen.
10. The ♥ 7, East the ♦ 5, Declarer trumped with the Jack and West the King.
11. Ford gave up two ♦s and claimed 11 tricks.
NOTE: Well-planned, well-played—making 11 tricks for a near top!

tip of the day
Q| Can we tell the best time to execute a cross-ruff?
A| Yes. As always, give the hand some thought. A good checklist for cross-ruff is the following: 1.) How many tricks can we make conventionally? Is it possible to make more on a cross-ruff? 2.) Can we make more tricks by trumping in both hands? 3.) If a cross-ruff is a possibility, do we have enough high spots in the trump suit ? (We don’t want to be over-ruffed). 4.) Can we safely cash our side suit winners before starting our cross-ruff?

Do you have a good bridge tip? Email

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